Chapter One: Mission

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You looked down at your hands, emotionless, observing the blood specks on your victim's face. Something about him seemed oddly familiar. "Nightshade!" Rumlow called. "Don't get distracted! Kill him!"

You were hesitant. For a split second, you felt something, something you hadn't felt in a long time. You cared for the man whose throat was positioned under you boot. You noticed his eyes dart to the Birth mark on your neck, then back to you.


You released the pressure on his neck, and at that moment, the man took this as his opportunity to gain the upper hand, kicking you back, knocking you to the ground. You scrambled to your feet and looked around, but he was gone. "Tony Stark..." You mumbled under your breath.

You felt your hair being pulled back and you were forcefully turned to see Rumlow, inches from your face. "Why didn't you kill him?!" He hissed. You averted your eyes to the side, then back to him.

"I-I knew him..." You looked at him. "Who is he?"

Rumlow groaned as he released his grip on your hair. He furiously turned to Peirce, who was sitting in a nearby parked car. "I told you he would recognize him!" He fumed.

Peirce shook his head. "Lets go. We'll make sure she doesn't remember soon."

At that, you followed Rumlow into the car, sitting in the back, next to your idle partner, who had been retrieved from his mission. You looked at the Winter Soldier, then at your hands. Both of you, cold and emotionless.


Tony sat in the meeting room, alone, staring at the wall. He'd recognized you, even 15 years after the last time he had saw you. The birth mark had been proof.

"Tony..." Steve called, entering the room cautiously. Tony looked up at Steve. "I know that look. It's the same look I gave Bucky when I recognized him as the Winter Soldier..."

Not looking away from Steve, Tony stood up. "Who is she too you, Tony?" Steve asked.

"She's..." Tony Hesitated. "My sister..." No longer able to stand, Tony slumps into his chair, his head in his hands. "She-I-I should have looked for her..."

"We'll bring her back." Steve says sympathetically. "We'll get them both back." Steve observes Tony a moment, then adds, "And we can't do that if you're sitting alone, blaming yourself...Let's get to work."

Tony looked up at Steve, studying the newfound kindness. A moment later, Tony's face hardens, and he stands, heading straight to his lab, ready to track you down.

After weeks, of compiling information, talking with the team, researching and investigating, the team finally is able to locate Bucky, extract and rescue him. You are not so fortunate and are unable to be located .


Bucky sits across from Steve, the other Avengers all gathered in the room. "Buck...we need to ask you a few things, ok?" Steve says calmly. Bucky Nods. "Do you know anything about somebody in Hydra, somebody named Yn...?"

Bucky's expression immediately changes from cold, to concerned. "Nightshade." He says flatly, running his fingers through his hair. "There is an Assassin. Nightshade. Her real name is Yn..." Steve leans back, preparing for Bucky to further explain.

"She's a super solider like me and..." He looks at Wanda who is standing next to the door. "Powers like hers." Steve nods, signaling for him to keep going. "She was my partner, we worked together on most missions." Bucky said, running his fingers through his hair once more.

Tony stands in the corner of the room, arms folded, listening intently. "Why wasn't she with you...? When we came to get you...?"

Bucky turned his attention to Tony. "There was... An issue with the..." Bucky trailed off.

"With what, Barnes?" Tony urged, harshly.

"The machine used to mind wipe. To brainwash." Bucky inhaled, remembering the unbearable torture the machine brought. "They tried to mind wipe her, over and over again, but she still kept asking about you, Tony. The Machine wasn't working. So they took off somewhere else, while they worked on the machine."

Tony shook his head. "This Machine, what does it do, exactly? The Method?" The rest of the Avengers quietly waited for a response.

Bucky shook his head. "It..." He hesitated. "It inflicted large amounts of electricity on the brain, making it...pliant."

"That sounds extremely painful..." Wanda chimed, adding to the conversation. Bucky Nodded, shifting uncomfortable in his seat. He looked down at his lap, while the Avengers sat in silence, none of them daring to say another word. Bucky looked up at Tony. "What does she mean to you, Stark?"

Tony stared at him, a cold expression resting on his face. Bucky Glared back, determined to receive a response, then relaxed as Tony sighed. "My sister. Disappeared when she was 10. I was 25 at the time. A few weeks ago, on a mission, she had me pinned. Thought she looked familiar, then I noticed her birth, I knew it was her." Tony said quickly, not taking a single breath through the reply.

Bucky hesitated, noticing the painful expression, poorly hidden on Tony's face. "She...She meant a lot to you?"

Tony nodded. "If you must know, we were very close. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do." Tony said, leaving the room swiftly. As the door to the meeting room, swung shut, Tony muttered under his breath.

"I'm going to find you. I promise..."

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