Chapter Two: Promises

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Finally. 'I'm going to get her back...' Tony thought. 'I'm going to find her.' Tony suited up, alerting the rest of the team of the location where Yn was being held. After being rushed by Tony, they all finally headed out.

-At the Hydra Base-

"Jarvis, show Yn's current location" Tony commanded. Soon after, a hologram of the building with a little red dot appeared, hovering over Tony's hand. "Share with all of the other Avengers watches, Jarvis." The same hologram appeared over everyone else's watches.

As the Avengers fought their way in, you sat timidly in the corner of your damp cell, knees to your chest, listening to the sounds of fighting and shouting. "They're here for her." Rumlow informed Peirce, who was only standing outside the door from where you were. "What should we do."

'Who could possibly be here for me?' You wondered.

What Peirce said, you couldn't quite make out through the large metal door separating the three of you. When the door opened, Rumlow came in and yanked you to your feet, swiftly dragging you through the base into another cell, underground. The door seemed 10 times heavier than the last, and 2 times as thick. "P-please let me go..." you begged. Rumlow ignored you, locking you inside.

You hurled into the corner of the cell, a few tears escaping your tired eyes. The fighting sounded farther away, and you knew nobody would find you here.

"Jarvis?" Tony noticed the small red dot on his hologram, moving steadily, then suddenly stopping. "You still have the signal?"

"Yes sir, but it is weak, she appears to be underground. You must hurry before I lose her whereabouts."

Tony fights his way, frantically searching the base, looking for any sign of you. Feeling defeated, he stands and calls out. "YN?!" He yells, waiting for a response.

You here this, causing you to take your head from your knees and look up. "Is somebody there?!" You call out. "Hello?!"

Tony rushes to the sound of you voice, and finds your cell. He peaks through the small, barred window and sees you hugging your knees, face wet with tears, huddled in the corner. He works to break down the door.

"it's not going to wor-" In the middle of your sentence, the door comes slamming down, Tony running in to get you. You stare at him blankly. "Who are you...? Why are you helping me?"

Tony's heart sinks, realizing you don't recognize him. "I'll explain later...for now you have to come with me, ok?" He says calmly, trying to coax you into his arms. "Come on."

You hesitate. What if he was not who he says he was, what if he is a part of another sinister organization? "How do I know I can trust you..." You pause. "No, I don't know you...g-get away!" You scuttle backwards, your breathing ragged, face lined with fear. You instantly regret responding to the stranger when he called for you. Tony shakes his head, drifting closer.

"I had a feeling this would happen..." Tony inches forward, removing a needle from his suit, behind his back, so that you are unable to see. "Please, I can't lose you all over again." He pleads, a final attempt to get you to come willingly.

You stand up, backing up, matching his steps. "G-get away f-from me!" You take your last step back, now pinned to the wall. You whimper. Despite your protests, Tony comes closer, wrapping an arm around you as you squirm, and injecting the needle into your arm.

As you fight his embrace, you begin to get dizzy, soon succumbing to darkness. Just then, over comms, Clint calls out. "We need to go. Now!" Tony takes you into his arms, flying you out, taking you back to the Quinjet.

-On the Jet-

You lay unconscious on a med table, the others relaxing from the mission. The Quinjet hummed as it soared through the air, on its way back to the compound. Tony stood and stared at you, a mixture of shock and disbelief swirling in his mind. "She can't be no more than 25... it's been 15 years..." Tony mutters to himself. Steve hears this.

"This isn't going to be easy..." Steve warns. Tony nods.

"I know..." He sighs. "She doesn't recognize me..." Tony puts his hand over yours, smiling weakly. "How did Bucky remember you...?"

Steve looks to Tony, who is still looking at you. "Bucky was the Winter Soldier, and when I got through to him, he was...Bucky. From what you described about how she reacted to you, she doesn't seem to be NightShade, but she also doesn't seem to Yn..." Steve explained. Tony didn't completely understand what Steve described, but nodded his head anyways, tracing the scars on your hand with his finger.

As the Quinjet lands, Tony takes you into his arms, carrying you to the med bay. As your set down, you stir in your sleep, slowly regaining consciousness. As Tony turns to run tests, your eyes slowly open.

You look around and groggily mumbled. "Where am I?" You sit up in your bed.

"Relax, we mean you no harm. I mean you no harm." Tony reassured you. "I just want to help you..."

You looked at him curiously, rubbing your eyes. "Why...?"

Tony looked at his feet then back at up at you. He shook his head, running his fingers through his hair and finally replying.

"Well, because I made a promise."

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