Chapter 14: Normal?

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Unable to sleep, you toss and turn in your bed, staring at the ceiling. Glancing at your clock, you groan. 2:54.

You got up quickly, not an ounce of exhaustion plaguing your body as you sprung from bed, annoyed with your inability to sleep. Creeping down the stairs you find yourself silently searching for a midnight snack, then finally settle on a cup of tea.

Trying to be as silent as possible, you make yourself the tea, then sit at the island drinking your tea in solitude. Or what you thought was solitude until you felt a hand on your shoulder, you heart leaping out of your chest, a quick gasp escaping your lips, you quickly spin around ready to strike.

"Peter?!" You whisper-yell. "You scared me half to death!"

He returns a lopsided grin and he drops his hand. "Sorry Yn. Why are you up?"

You frowned. "I could ask you the same thing. What are you even doing in the compound?!" You return back, your heart rate slowing. Peter took a seat next to you, as you readjusted yourself on the stool.

"Well Mr. Stark is making me a new suit, and turns out we stayed up later than we thought, and he offered to let me stay here. I even called Aunt May and-"

You put a hand on his shoulder as he stopped talking. "I'm rambling aren't I?" He asked, a bright red flush creeping to his face, embarrassed.

You nodded. "It's okay Pete. No judgement." You said reassuringly. He nodded, a dorky grin returning to his face. "Now your turn, Ms. Stark." He teased. "I asked you a question too, and you answered with a question!"

You dropped your hand, your eyebrows knitted together and your nose scrunched in a playful manner. "Well.." You started, a playfully grin teasing your lips. "I couldn't sleep. I've been over-sleeping lately. Haven't really wanted to come downstairs, the awkwardness between everyone is driving me insane!"

You felt your heart sink at your reply. It was mostly true. You couldn't bare being around everyone, as it wasn't the same, and yes, you had slept through most of...well, everything. But the truth was, it wasn't driving you insane. It was more. Deeper. You felt it in your chest every time you thought about it, and it made your eyes feel heavy and you knees weak. It bothered you more than anyone knows.

Peter smiled, belief written all over his face. "I know right! I surprised Mr. Stark hasn't thrown Mr. Rogers out the window!" He said playfully.

You smiled half-heartedly at the image in your head. You wished they would get along, so badly. You giggled. "Pfft, yeah." You agreed, playfully hitting his arm.

He beamed at you studying your facial expression. "Uh Yn?" He asked cautiously. 


He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "We've gone on a couple dates now...and uh I was wondering if you wanted to be my...girlfriend?" He said, feeling the words roll off his tongue.

Your face immediately lit up. "I would love to, Pete!" You said, pulling him in for a quick, sweet kiss. His face lit up as well, a smile from ear to ear.  

"I know maybe asking at 3 in the morning isn't really practical, but it seemed like the right time, and I've been thinking ab-" He began rambling again, so you pulled him in for another quick kiss.

"Your rambling." You said sweetly. You stood, discarding your empty cup into the sink and back up the stairs, sending a wink to Peter just as you marched out of sight.


The next morning you hustled down the stairs, not an ounce of tiredness in your body, despite the fact that after leaving Peter in the kitchen, you hadn't gone back to sleep, just lazily re-organized your closet.

You once again, found your brother in the kitchen. You had barely spoken in days. Almost even a week. Your anger had subsided, but quickly dissipated to sadness and betrayal eating away at you. You had been so...hurt. 

Ignoring Tony, you pushed past him, opening the fridge, your shoulders brushing. He looked at you, sad and tired eyes piercing your e/c ones. You knew he was going to say something, and as if he had read your mind, he spoke.

"Yn...please can we talk?" Tony looked at you, his eyes desperate and tired. He hadn't been sleeping and you knew that for a fact. Guilt welled in your chest as you nodded, taken aback by his exhausted state. 

You sat at the island as Tony leaned against the kitchen counter, facing you, arms crossed. Instead of speaking right away, Tony leaned forward gently placing a small object Infront of you.

Your necklace.

You studied it, then looked up at Tony who's eyes filled with guilt and regret. You took the necklace, gently fidgeting with it in your hands. "I fixed the necklace."

There was an awkward silence.

"Yn..I am so.." He struggle to speak. "I am so sorry." His voice broke and you watched as he blinked away tears.

"I-I had no right. To mess with something so important, to lock you up here. I just wanted you safe and I, in fact, did the opposite." He choked back tears. "And I hurt you, physically and mentally and I..." He shook his head, his eyes looking from your shoulder, to the floor, then resting his head in his hands.

Before you knew what you were doing, you had slowly rose from your stool, and gently hugged him. He pulled his head up, and gratefully accepted the embrace, burying his face into your shoulder as you rested your head on his chest. 

You released from the hug and looked up at him. "Tony, you had no right, I know you know that now. I promise I can take care of myself, I promise, I promise." You reassured. "Thank you for fixing it." You mumbled.

He nodded, giving a weak smile. "Are we good, Junior?"

You nodded. "We are."


Walking down the street, arm in arm with Peter, the July sun beating down on your skin, you felt a smile plastered to your face, and it hadn't seemed to disappear. 

You and Peter had been dating a month and a half now, and you were as happy as ever. Not only was your family okay with it, they were happy for you. Even Tony.

Tony was now harder on Peter, but not so much that it was serious. But he always made sure Peter knew to watch his step.

"Don't. EVER. Hurt her." Tony said, firmly shaking Peters hand. Peter nodded rapidly, nervousness overtaking his posture.

You chuckled at the memory causing Peter to glance at you, also grinning slightly. "What?"

"Oh nothing I was just remembering something. When we told my brother we were dating, remember?"

Peter laughed, his smile grinning. "I remember! Mr. Stark is really intimidating." He said, pulling you slightly closer to him as you walked down the street, back to the compound. You were on your way back from the best summer date you've ever had. 

Well, Peter is the first person you've ever dated. And it was going well. It was amazing. 

He was amazing.

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