Chapter 6: Greyson

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Hello! Hope you have been enjoying so far, and I want to let you all know that this is my first book, and I'm experimenting with it and experimenting with different ideas! So, suggestions and tips are encouraged and please be patient with me! Thanks for reading! <3

As you arrived at the mall, you looked to Nat, nervous to admit what you had been thinking about the entire ride. The truth was, you didn't really know what kind of clothes you liked, or the clothes you were looking for. Since Hydra, the most exciting thing you had ever worn was a pale green t-shirt, and jeans.


She looked back at you, turning off the car. "Yeah kid?"

You nervously fidgeted with your hair. "I, uh, I don't really know what kind of clothes I like. I don't really have a style since..."

"Hydra." She finished for you. You nodded. "Well kid, that what we are here for. I'll tell you what. We go in, and I'll take you all around, and you'll find what you like. No rush, yeah?"

You smiled, following her into the mall.


It was around 2 when you and Nat got back to the compound. You went upstairs, putting away all your new items and clothes. You went to find your brother.

"Tonyyyyy." You called out. 

"In here, Yn!" You heard him call from the main room. You followed the sound of his voice. "Hey!"

"Hey. Here is your card. Thanks a ton." You said, handing him the card back. He smiled and nodded.

"Anytime Junior." He reached into his pocket. "That reminds me..." He pulled out another card, handing it to me. "This is for you. It linked to my account, so you have access to all the money. It's yours, just as much as it is mine."

You smiled, looking down at the silver and blue card, putting it in your phone case. "Thanks Tony."

"Of course."

You smiled, looking at the time. "Well, I need a red bull from the coffee shop down the street. Ima walk over. Want anything?"

Tony shook his head. "No thanks. Hurry back, I want to talk to you about something."

You nodded heading to the coffee shop. As you arrived, you ordered your drink. You took a sip, paying with your new card and headed back. As you rounded the corner, you felt strong arms grab you from behind, pulling you into a nearby ally. You squirmed and kicked, suddenly feeling something sharp pierce your tan skin. 

You were released and you spun around to see who had grabbed you. A tall, blonde man stood with a grin plastered across his face. His blue eyes stared deeply into yours as he watched you as you began to get dizzy, eventually sinking to the ground, unconscious. 


As you regained your consciousness, your vision was still blurry. After squinting for a minute, you focused your eyesight, able to study what was around you. You were in a dark room, no windows, just tied to a chair, a singular, dim, light fixated directly above you. A Metal door was about 7 feet Infront of you. How Cliche. You thought to yourself.

"Helloooooo" You sang, determined not to show any signs of fear or weakness. "You're just going to let me sit in here?" You said, sarcasm oozing from your tongue.

Just then, they blonde man from before, entered, smiling. "A smart ass, like your brother I see." He said, closing the heavy door behind him. "My names Greyson King. Your brother ever mention me?"

You studied him closely, unable to read his emotion. You shook your head. "Nope. You must not be very important, yeah?" You spat. You noticed his face harden, obviously trying to hide the annoyance. 

"You know why your here, know it all?" He returned. 

You smirked and took this as another opportunity to piss him off. "Hmmm. Wellllll by the sounds of it, you're doing this as revenge on my brother, and because you can't take him, you kidnap a 15-year-old girl instead."

He groaned. "Should have known all I was going to get out of you was a smart mouth or some stupid ass joke."

You laughed. "Thats me, Mr. King!" The way you said his name was in a tone laced with disrespect. 

He stood up, his face close to yours. "The reason your here, is to make your brother suffer. And your pain? Well, that's just a bonus." He spat, as he slapped you across the face. Hard.

You watched his eyes dart up to the corner of the room, and you followed his gaze to a security camera, positioned in the corner. "Well Princess. The reason your here, is so that I can cause you pain. And when I do, I'm going to rub it in your stupid brothers face."

"Don't call me Princess."

He smirked. "But I'm a King, no?"

You scoffed at his pun using his last name. "What did my brother even do to you?!" 

He laughed a little too loud, making it seem fake.  "Your brother. Oh, your brother." He sighed. "A few years ago, I came to your brother, asking for a raise. I worked at his company. Worked for him!" He laughed, as if the fact that he was a former employee of Stark Industries was a wild statement. "I needed that raise. My mother was dying, and I couldn't pay her medical bill! And she died! And it was HIS FAULT."

You wiggled your hands; they were roped behind your back. Determined not to show any fear, you made, yet again, another snarky remark. "You know how cliche you sound? Thats like the most basic thing I've ever heard, as far as a revenge plot goes."

This angered him, landing you a punch in the gut. You coughed. "You know, I could just use my powers and get out of here, right?" You spat. 

"Why haven't you?"

You smiled. "Oh, I was just curious, you know?"

He laughed. "Go ahead. Try." The way he said it, made it sound like he had planned for this. Prepared for this. You tried to use your powers, but as you began to attempt to teleport, your ears were filled with a deafening ringing, cause you to scream. After a few seconds that seemed like forever, it stopped.

"Now." He smiled, unaffected by the noise. "That, Princess, was a device I invented myself! Without your brother and his gigantic ego."

You laughed. "I can't say your wrong about the ego."

"Every time you use your powers, that camera up there, emits a sound, that only you can hear. And that sound, as demonstrated, hurts. Very, very much." 

"How doesn't it affect you?" You asked, obvious fear in your tone. You no longer were attempting to hide your fear.

"Thats a secret, Princess."

You looked at him, fear finally taking over your expression. You were in trouble. Real trouble. 

Hey guys! So sorry, the word count hasn't been consistent! I can't ever find a place to stop, in the same way as the others! Anyways, thank you guys so much for reading! Even though, at this point I've only got 30 readers. I appreciate you guys!

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