Chapter 17: All or Nothing

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Hey guys! So sorry I took so long to update this book, I've been working on my other book to catch it up with this one! Also been busy with Softball State! Enjoy! Xoxo

As you stepped onto the foreign planet, which Quill had reassured you had a breathable atmosphere. Thankfully, he was right.

You walked side by side with Peter, Tony behind you who's gaze you could feel on your back. As everyone started discussing a plan, you listened intently, but your attention was soon taken by a large ship entering the atmosphere. And nobody seemed to notice.

"Guys?" You said, eyeing the ship.

Nobody said anything, so you scanned the ground before picking up a small red rock and throwing it in Tony's direction. A satisfying *clunk* filled your ears as it hit his suit in the shoulder and he turned to face you.

You simply pointed up towards the sky.

"Alright. All or Nothing people." Tony quips, his mask coming over his face. "Here we go."

Everyone suited up and prepared themselves for the battle to come.

The ship landed and nothing happened, a deafening silence filling the air. You where just about to say something when the ship hatch popped open and he stepped out.


You clenched your fists, your powers pooling in your palms. You watched as Thanos approached, calmly and confidently.

"Give me the stone, child." He demands, looking at Strange.

The doctor shook his head. "No can do."

Nodding, Thanos stepped forwards, causing everyone to charge, and the fight begins.

Sending a power blast towards a new face, who ducks it quickly, you use it as a distraction to land a punch on her nose, as Peter comes from behind and kicks out her legs.

The strange women charged, and you braced yourself but peaked your eyes open to find Quill, a shot on her leg.

Drax comes closer, lifting you up as Quill finishes off the soldier.

"Thanks." You say, nodding then leaving to help Peter and your brother. "TONY DUCK!" You scream as he barely escapes a hard hit to the head.

"THANOS!" You yell. He looks at you, amused.

You charge him, your knife poised behind your back. Lunging for his throat at the last second, he grabs your wrist, turning and driving your knife into your stomach.

You stumbled backwards, coughing as he pushed you back against a rock, falling to the ground. You heard Tony and Peter's faint cry, but we're too focused on your stomach to make out exactly what they were saying.

Thanos stared down at you with a sadistic  grin. He removed the knife and raised it to finish you off before you heard an assertive yell.


He turned his head to see Strange approaching slowly. "Spare her and I'll...I'll give it to you."

Thanos grin grew. "You'd sacrifice it..for this girl?" He laughed. "Very well."

He stepped away from you, leaving you gripping your stomach in pain as Tony and Peter came to your side. "N-no! Don't do it Strange. STOP!" You begged. Strange gave you an apologetic glance before handing over the stone.

You squeezed your eyes shut, overwhelmed. "No..." you mumbled, fighting to stay conscious.

You felt your eyes fluttering shut, as they got heavy and almost closed.

"Yn? No yn stay awake." You heard Tony's voice fading.

Peters soft and timid voice rang through your ears. "Yn? Open your pretty eyes please?"

You tried so hard to keep your eyes open but eventually gave into the exhaustion taking over as you slipped into the darkness.


Stirring in your sleep, on the edge of consciousness, you let out a groan as a sharp pain surfaced in your stomach.

Your eyes still hadn't opened but you heard a soft voice. "Don't move to much, Junior."

Your eyes peaked open to see Steve standing over you. "Where's my brother?" You muttered. "What happened? Did we win?"

The silence from Steve caused your eyes to open fully, worry instantly washing over you. "Steve?" Your voice cracked as you whispered.

He shook his head, heartbreak in his eyes. "We lost." He muttered.

"Half of the universe is...gone?"

He nods, your worry replaced by panic and fear. "Where's Tony?!"

"We don't know...we aren't sure if he was dusted or if he's still of planet..." He said, rubbing your shoulder.

Tears threatened to spill from your eyes. "Peter? Bucky?"

At the mention of Bucky, Steve's eyes fell to the floor. "They're gone."

You choked back tears as you heart felt as though it was being ripped out of your chest. A shuddering sob racked your body as you ignored the sharp pressure in your stomach. Your whole body shuddered as Steve tried to comfort you.

"Who all..."

The door burst open as Pepper burst into the room, and relief washed over you.

"Yn? Yn oh god." She sighed, ignoring Steve's presence and rushing to the other side of your bed. "I heard what happened with Tony...we're gonna get him back. I don't think he was d-dusted." She frantically stuttered.

You nodded sadly.

"I had to check on you, Tony would want me too." She said.

You looked at Steve who was staring at the floor. "Steve?" You whispered, blinking back tears. "We can't...we can't get the dusted back...can we?" You voice dropped in doubt.

The look on his face told you everything you needed to know. They had tried to recover...and they failed.

It was all or nothing...and you got nothing.


About a month had past, and you healed enough to get around, but you were still sore, and it left a nasty scar.

On top of the physical health, you were mentally drained. Missing your brother, your boyfriend, your best friend....most of your family. Everyone.

You had spent the first week out of bed trying to figure out a way to get them back, but Nat had coaxed you away from your work. Permanently.

It was late. Around midnight. A loud rumble shook the compound as you looked to Nat, who was sitting beside you watching Tv, and rushed to the front yard.

A large ship came floating down, a bright burning silhouette carrying it down and landing it on the grass.

Curious you followed Nat and watched as the ramp opened, a blue women walking down and a familiar face limping down the ramp.

"Tony?" You whispered.

He made eye contact with you, smiling weakly as you came to help him down the ramp. You inhaled his familiar scent as he limped, leaning onto you for support.

Pepper came running and helped Tony on the other side, helping to get him inside.

Ohhhh myyyy what am I gonna do? Am I gonna kill off my favorite character, Tony Stark? Am I going to create an alternate ending? WHATS GONNA HAPPEN?! Xoxo yours truly <3

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