Chapter 13: Trapped Again

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You squinted, adjusting your eyes to the bright light above you. You groaned, sitting up. You looked around, noticing the cell you were in was glass, small, and plain. You pulled at your wrists that were cuffed to the hospital bed that had been placed in the middle of the room, and as you did, you felt searing pain shoot through your arm.

"Agh!" You clenched your fists, the pain subsiding.

"Yn?" You heard a familiar voice say. 

You rolled your head to the side, looking through the glass, and across from your cell, was Clint and Sam. "Clint?" You whimpered, fear washing over you. Where was Wanda? What was going to happen to you?

"Hey kiddo. How's the arm?"

You bit your lip, suppressing a sob. "It hurts to move." 

"I know. I know. Just try and stay still." Clint comforted you, staring at you with sympathetic eyes.

You squeezed your eyes shut, wanting to disappear and shrink into your bed. You felt tears stinging your eyes as you gingerly adjusted yourself. 

You heard a large door open, then some bickering. Sam had said something, but then you opened your eyes to see Tony's back turned to you.

"They have thirty seconds before they realize it's not their tech." Tony said to Clint and Sam. You smiled a little, realizing what he was doing. 

After a little convincing, they gave your brother Steve and Bucky's location. Without looking at you, he hurried off.

"Where's-" You stopped, sucking your teeth as pain shot through your arm again. "Where's Wanda?"

Sam sighed. "They sent her to the raft. It's a prison for-"

"Enhanced individuals, I know." You said coldly. You knew what the raft was and feared it with all your heart. You heard how they treated their prisoners, and how what they thought you were. Monsters. They treated you like you should be ashamed of your existence. 

You waited impatiently, before Secretary Ross not only entered the cell division, but your cell. Standing over you, he sighed. "Where is your brother?" He asked you plainly. The others watched intently.

You shook your head, your lips pursed in a tight line.

"Don't make me do what I don't want to." He said, the threat rolling off his tongue. 

You tilted your head curiously, still not saying one word. His eyes darted to your shoulder, which you hadn't looked at yet, then back to you. He raised a hand and hovered it over your wound. "Where is he?" He repeated.

Fear grew in your eyes.

"ROSS, DON'T YOU TOUCH HER!" Clint yelled from his cell, banging a fist on the glass.

He frowned. "Sorry, Yn. All you have to do is talk." He pressed down on your shoulder, pain instantly shooting down your arm and pooling at the wound. You screamed out, begging for it to stop. "STOP IT!" 

"Tell me." He pressed harder. 

You felt tears slipping down your cheeks. "VIENNA!" You screamed, hoping he would believe you. He released the pressure, and walked out, taking the bait. You whimpered, the pain subsiding.

"Yn. Yn, are you okay? Yn."

You clenched your teeth to stop them from chattering. "F-fine." Is all you could manage.

After what seemed like hours, Tony came in accompanied by Ross. He let out the others, then finally opened your cell. "Yn it's time to go home."

You looked behind him to see Bucky and Steve. "What about the accords?" You asked.

"Ross is giving us a second chance." Tony said uncuffing you from the bed. "I came and found him after everything was sorted out. Said you lied about where I was. Something about Vienna?"

You ignored him and he tried to lift you up, but you pulled away ripping your necklace from your throat and throwing it in his face. You gently clutched your shoulder and made your way to Bucky, who gently hugged you. He looked over your shoulder at Tony who was holding the necklace, staring at you with guilt in his eyes.

Bucky looked at him. Bucky gave him the 'you fucked up.' glare, rubbing your back gingerly. Tony sighed, clutching the necklace in his hands.

The ride back to the compound was silent. Everyone rode in separate cars, and you decided to ride with Steve, Bucky, Nat and Clint. You sat in the back, leant on Clint's shoulder.

When you got back you tried to immediately head up to your room, as you began getting a pounding headache, and your legs felt weak. Steve came beside you. "You're going to the med bay." He stated.

You shook your head. "No-no more h-hospital beds." You stuttered. Finally, your legs gave out and you crumpled into Steve, who caught you as you fell. 

"I know. I know. I'm sorry." Steve scooped you up and carried you towards the med bay, as you passed the main room, you looked at yourself in the large mirror that sat by the doorframe. You shoulder had been burned so badly that the flesh had bubbled, appearing rough and bumpy. It was different shades from pink to dark red. It looked very infected.

Steve set you down in the bed, pulling the covers to your chest. "I'll get Tony in here."

You were about to protest when Steve shook his head, looking at you sadly. "I understand your upset with him. you have every right to be. But he knows what he's doing, and he cares about you, so let him at least take care of your arm."

You nodded in defeat as Steve went to get Tony. Tony entered with cation, trying to keep it quiet. He looked at you shoulder as he entered, and guilt immediately washed over him as he remembered that he did that to you. That he hurt you. 

You watched as Tony grabbed something off his shelf and come over to you.  You didn't look at him as he applied a cream to your burn, causing you sigh in relief as it instantly felt better. Not amazing, but better than before.

After Tony had treated your arm, which he confirmed was infected, you had dozed off, despite the pain tingling in your arm. You didn't sleep very well, as you kept waking up every 30 minutes to an hour. Bucky was always there, sitting at the side of your bed with a blanket pulled to his chest, and a pillow under his neck.

The next few days went by slow. Treatment after treatment, scan after scan, test after test. Tony had healed your arm significantly, as you were now moving around, but there was no doubt it would leave a nasty scar. You could already see it forming as the dead flesh curved slightly in a line over your shoulder blade.

You found yourself trying to return normal, like going on a second and third date with Peter, watching movies with Bucky, and shopping with Nat.

After your family had been torn apart and messily put back together again, nothing felt the same.

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