Chapter 19: The Calm Before the Storm

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July 26, 4021 01:00 [Matriarch 03 AB Side- Deployment Bay 03]

The Bloodhounds traveled down the winding hallways of Matriarch 03, closely following Dot as he eagerly led them, deftly navigating the way without so much as a glance at his Nerve Cord. Mirai walked next to Aisha adjusting his gait to match hers.

"How're you holding up?" he asked her.

"Better," she replied.

The two had been slowly coming to speaking terms since Indra's disappearance. However, sensing that the situation was still delicate, Mirai felt it best not to prod further. Surprisingly, it was Aisha who decided to continue the conversation.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye to him," she said, looking up at Mirai with a miserable expression.

He returned a sad smile. "I know, we weren't able to say goodbye either. I'm sure—" He caught himself, refraining from giving out false reassurances. "Right now we need to focus on working together and surviving this ordeal. Once it's all over, we can figure out what to do next."

Aisha shook her head. "There's no end in sight, remember? You said it yourself."

Mirai bit his tongue, silently cursing himself. Aisha looked at him with disappointment, turning away and picking up her pace. Mirai let her go, watching as she caught up with Ghost and struck up a conversation with her. Shit. If only Indra were here right now. He'd know what to say.

They finally reached Deployment Bay 03, an enormous set of titanium doors guarding the entrance. A solenoid was engraved in-between the doors, glowing lines of Virya coursing through the symbol, pulsating as if alive. A catwalk led to the entrance, situated precariously over a dam-like structure, torrents of water rushing in from all sides. Dot stepped forward, scanning his Nerve Cord on a small sphere embedded within a pedestal situated next to the doors. Each member followed suit, mirroring his actions. The sphere pulsed green each time a wristband was scanned. Once all of their IDs were verified, a deafening whir of gears drowned out the turbulent sound of the water flow as the doors were pulled asunder, sliding forcefully into the adjacent walls.

Mirai gasped as they stepped into the Deployment Bay. The Bloodhounds found themselves on a balcony overlooking a sprawling metropolis, the nightlife lively and bustling.

"There's a whole city down there!" he exclaimed, leaning over the railing, peering down at the endless sea of buildings below.

Dot chuckled. "If you're impressed by the city now, wait until you get a closer look," he said, motioning them to follow further.

He led the group to a dubious-looking elevator, patterns of rust and moss coating the doors to the rickety contraption.

Skadi shook her head. "I am not going in that thing. How have we not fixed this hunk of junk yet? Or better still, why not build a new elevator? This thing's got to be at least a decade old!"

"Try three."

"Not helping," Skadi scowled.

"C'mon, you guys! It'll be safe. I promise," Dot reassured the group.

Akula shrugged. "We don't really have another way of getting down to the city. Plus, if we fall, Ghost can just heal us, right?"

Ghost pursed her lips. "I can't heal you if I'm dead."

"Oh, yeah. That's true."

"I swear this elevator is safe. Trust me," Dot implored.

Skadi acquiesced, sighing deeply before motioning for Dot to resume their journey. Dot beamed giddily, pulling off a steel panel by the elevator. He hovered his palm over the exposed wire, as he muttered under his breath, his eyes darting back and forth.

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