Chapter 31: Road to Mastery

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August 02, 4021 08:00 [Matriarch 04- Classroom 23D]

"As you've seen, combat training can help unlock your Shakti potential. Those triggers are key catalysts for getting you accustomed to the energy around you and within you. With that being said, we can focus on more traditional methods of training now. I'll be teaching you how to harness and control the Shakti that you've unlocked," Tengri explained.

The four of them, including Indra, Kuvira, and Garou, sat in a small classroom. Tengri leaned against the instructor's desk. Behind him was a blackboard diagramming the practice of Shakti control.

"Right now, most of you have a rudimentary grasp of control over your Shakti; this often appears to be in bursts of energy rather than carefully measured releases. I assume the three of you imposed certain subconscious restrictions upon yourselves that allowed your latent abilities to surface during the sparring session yesterday. The goal for today will be to figure out what those restrictions are."

"And how would we do so without breaking our restrictions?" Kuvira asked. She was wrapped in bandages from head to toe.

"You created your restrictions within the time frame of the match, so think back to the point at which you experienced a change in your abilities. What was the thought or the need that had to be fulfilled to facilitate such a transformation?"

Indra pondered for a moment, recalling the instance when he had spawned the black flames. He had been arguing with Usha about his need for power. Okay, but what did I restrict in order to take his power? He noticed Tengri watching him carefully.

"Got something?"

"I know when I created the restriction. I asked for more power to defeat my opponent, but I'm unsure as to what I gave up in exchange. Everything feels the same."

Tengri scratched his chin. "That's a start. What about you two?"

Kuvira furrowed her brow. "My opponent was crushing me against the wall. I felt a strong urge to free myself, naturally. That was when I gained the ability to produce blades of air. I managed to cut her up pretty badly, though she still won. I'm not sure about the trade-off."

Garou sat deep in thought, eyes closed. He looked to be carefully considering the framework behind his restriction. He finally opened his eyes, grinning. "I have no clue."

Kuvira put a hand to her head as if used to his idiocy. Indra stifled his laughter.

"Is that so? Well, maybe a few laps around the building will jog your memory," Tengri remarked.

"Easy!" Garou grinned, flashing his canines.

"Ah, but you'll be wearing this," Tengri said, tossing him a small ring. He wore an amused expression.

Garou's face faltered. "Oh, a limiter."

"That's right. Better get to it. And don't come back until you have an answer for me."

"Yes, Sir," Garou sulked as he left the classroom.

"As for you two, let's figure out what you exchanged for power."

Tengri scrutinized them, walking around their seats. He addressed Kuvira first, asking her to stand on top of her desk and change form. Kuvira obliged, morphing into a large Andean condor. Indra watched with intrigue trying to figure out what Tengri was attempting to accomplish. The instructor abruptly shoved her, after which Kuvira unceremoniously fell to the floor, flapping her wings wildly. She morphed back into human form, fuming.

"What was that for!?" she exclaimed.

"Well, we found out what you gave up," Tengri stated, crossing his arms. "You can't fly anymore. That avian form is next to useless unless you're trying to catch some worms."

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