Chapter 37: Succession

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September 19, 4021 09:00 [Matriarch 04- Residential District]

It was a brisk autumn morning. The leaves had started to change colors, covering the grassy hills with shades of orange and red as they fell. Their brittle forms made a satisfying crunch when stepped on. The candidates made their way to Sun Rock from their respective classrooms after checking in with their instructors one last time. It was a lively morning, the city abuzz with excitement. An eclectic gathering of citizens and Homunculi alike shuffled through the bustling town square. The streets were teeming with people swarming the already overwhelmed food stalls and local boutiques, the news of the Hyena succession seemingly a hot topic that morning. Enormous display screens had been installed at the tops of buildings lining the plaza the night before to give the crowd an ample view of the day's events.

Tengri pushed through the crowd, followed by his candidates. Indra was bewildered as he was met with smiles of adoration rather than scowls of contempt. The sudden shift in attitude left him perturbed.

"I thought they hated us," he remarked.

"Only the grunts. For whatever reason, Hyena are seen as local celebrities. I'm sure Kǔ Shén has something to do with that. Regardless, the fact that you're contenders for the position puts you in good standing with the citizens. Make sure you keep that good faith with them, otherwise, it'll reflect poorly on us. And that's not a problem that I want to deal with. It's too troublesome," Tengri answered, sipping an iced coffee.

Indra looked over his shoulder, checking on the others. Kuvira rubbed her hands together nervously while Garou yawned lazily, picking at his teeth. Indra breathed deeply, taking in the crisp air and the pleasant waft of pumpkin spice as bakeries began to sell seasonal confectionaries. Today was the day. He had been training for only a few weeks, but it felt like a lifetime since he had arrived at Matriarch 04. He stared ahead, coolly, a slight frown in the crook of his mouth as they neared a massive colosseum.

He couldn't say that he possessed fond memories of this place. In fact, his time here might have been some of the worst in his professional career. Even with the Vulture's invasive procedures, the Hyenas in particular had made his stay a living nightmare. Jin had been the worst offender by far, each moment with him an excruciating trial of physical or emotional torture. Tengri was no better, though he seemed less interested in causing harm to him, he reveled in it whenever it did occur. And Grisha—well, she was alright, actually, her unhinged attitude the only variable that made Indra wary of her.

Despite the trials he faced thus far, he felt a strong connection to the Homunculi he had come to know throughout the ordeal. A sense of camaraderie in their shared suffering compelled him to see things through. He would be there when they needed him in the Sunken Forest. Though that choice had already been made for him, he still had the agency to choose whether to act in his own self-interests or to provide support where needed.

They passed under the archway of the colosseum entrance. The renovations were complete. The building was completely unrecognizable save for the intricate carving of a regal blue crane spreading its wings in front of a shining sun. They had reached Sun Rock.

"Like the new look? Seems like all the damage you caused turned out to be a good thing," Tengri said to Indra. "Hurry up, Grisha's team is already here, we better get inside before Jin's team arrives. It'll give you some time to warm up."

He ushered them inside, leading them to the announcer's booth. The shades were drawn, low lights illuminating the room. Grisha leaned back in a swivel chair grinning smugly as they entered. She sat in front of a microphone and various other recording equipment. A laptop with a screen displaying audio samples and buttons mapped to them sat on a desk in front of her.

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