Chapter 43: Crossed Talons

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September 20, 4021 09:00 [Matriarch 04- Sun Rock]

The remaining candidates gathered once more in the announcer's booth early the next morning. The room went silent as Kaluza reentered. All eyes turned to Indra who looked unbothered by his appearance. The night before had given him clarity—a chance to clear his mind, and he had Prasanna to thank for it. He gave her a warm smile, which she returned. He would accept any challenge thrown at him. They would all meet on the battlefield one way or another.

"You and me! Next match!" Kaluza exclaimed the moment he laid eyes on Indra.

"How's your leg?" Indra asked, pointing to Kaluza's thigh, wrapped generously in gauze.

"I'll live," he grumbled.

Kaluza opened his mouth to speak again, but he was cut off by Grisha. She held up a hand to halt any further interruptions to her announcements. She motioned for their attention, clearing her throat.

"Congrats on making it to the second round, all of you. I hope you've had some much-needed rest and recuperation before returning here."

Indra continued to stare at Kaluza's injury, furrowing his brow. "How are the others going to heal in time for deployment? We only have a few weeks."

Grisha sighed as if meaning to get to that topic at some point. She procured a box, much like the one Stanley had given Indra, although this one was white, marked with the emblem of a Vulture rather than the Chait crest.

"The Vultures came up with a new drug that utilizes an imbued healing factor. Otherwise, we wouldn't have allowed the matches to proceed like prior Hyena Succession Tournaments. We'd have kept the injuries to a minimum, like your first sparring session, since we have so little time," Grisha answered. "He took one yesterday," she indicated in Kaluza's direction. "Unfortunately, they're not as potent as yours. Chait still has one leg up on our R&D team apparently," she laughed.

Grisha proceeded to explain the logistics of the second round, pairing the Homunculi up. "Indra, you'll be getting a bye this round. Prasanna and Kuvira, you'll be the first match of the second round, meaning Emil and Kaluza will be going next."

"What?! I don't accept this! I should be fighting this bastard in the next round—"

"We could always disqualify you," Grisha stated bluntly.

Kaluza quieted down, muttering to himself indignantly.

"One winner from the second round will face Indra in the semifinals while the other will get a bye to the finals. That's about it. From there we'll announce the Division Commanders based on your placement and assign you to your units," she finished.

Kaluza huffed, taking a seat in a secluded corner. Prasanna and Kuvira glared at each other as they made their way to the elevator, separated by two Crows until they reached the field. Emil shot Indra an inquisitive glance to which Indra responded by shaking his head. When he had asked Prasanna about her issue with Kuvira he had been met with a refusal to disclose the reason, a deep resentment in her eyes. What had Kuvira done to invoke her ire? Indra wondered.

Grisha announced the fighters by the honorifics she had denoted for them, an undeniable glee in the inflection of her tone as she got ready to kick off the second round. Her gaze flitted to Tengri with a sly smile. Her colleague scowled at her, watching Kuvira with crossed arms.

"Let's see what she can do," he stated dryly.

Neither candidate's focus wavered for a second. Indra could almost see sparks fly between their fierce gazes. Grisha signaled the start of the match with a loud "Begin!" and the field shattered. Islands of earth rose as Prasanna nullified the gravity in the area. Kuvira's movements became sluggish and floaty as she attempted to orient herself upright.

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