The Galesburg Grabber

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Albert began to realize that she needed him more than he thought. In the sense that she needed a companion. Someone to talk to. So, he did just that.

"How does it feel to be the first victim-."

"The first victim?" Susanna cut him off as she usually did. "I'm not your first victim."

Albert let out a long sigh from behind the mask. "If you'd let me finish, "he groaned.

"Go on," She droned.

Albert was almost speechless at her bravery. Susanna wasn't afraid of him, the way his other victims were. He could kill her, or beat her at any given moment, and she knew that good and well. Because he had beaten and raped more than once. That was the only way she could learn. However here she was still unbothered by it all. Her head held high.

Susanna was examining her nails closely as if she was ensuring they were still intact. She had broken a few when she first got there when she was trying to claw her way out.

Susanna raised her brows; one was always slightly lower than the other. If you didn't know to look for it, then you wouldn't catch it. However, Albert was becoming something of an expert of her face. Most people would be distracted by that scar that ran through her brow, and her bottom lid. They wouldn't notice the little fact that she lost a small amount of movement in that upper side of her face. Hence why when she raised her brows the right was slight lower than the left. God, but nothing could beat her eyes. He thought she was beautiful, not despite the scar. He believed it only added to her beauty.

Albert wasn't trying to admire her however, but he was fascinated by her. He realized he had been staring for too long, when she spoke again, this time she sounded completely exasperated with him.

"Today please?"

Albert threw his head back and bellowed. He dropped his jaw aghast by her.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, do you have some place to be?"

Susanna was speechless for a moment, her cheeks got red. She toyed her tongue along her bottom lip before slightly nibbling on it to attempt to hide the smirk that was enviably coming. The smirk that on anyone else would have been followed by 'touché'. Susanna was too stubborn for that though. She would have the last word if it killed her.

"Has anyone ever told you... how much of a dick you are?" She tilted her head, and cocked her brow at him as if she just told him the most matter of fact statement, he'd ever heard.

This elicited a smile from him. A small chuckle rumble from under the permeant ceramic grin on his face.

"Touché." He whispered himself.

He stared at her again. The long stare was making her self-conscious. Even in all her bravery and confidence the minute she sensed someone looking at her scar she faded away. Her spark died down, and her spirit along with it. She let her hair drape over her face. She sunk down a bit, and she quit looking into his eyes.

"As I was saying, you're the first victim who's gotten to see this room all finished. Some of them didn't even have a mattress. Isn't that something?"

"So next time you want to complain just know how good you have it," He added.

"Wow," she raised her brows, and sarcastically covered her gaping mouth, "Aren't I the lucky one?"

"Are you sure you ran away? Your parents didn't kick you out for that ungrateful attitude. If you were my daughter, I would have beaten you to a pulp by now."

"Well then it's a good thing I am not your daughter, isn't it? My parents don't- didn't...believe in violence."

Albert laughed, and it was quiet the condescending laugh for someone who never had kids. "That's the problem with parents nowadays they don't know how to raise kids. Every brat needs a good hard beating now and again. Really keeps them in line... You know what I mean?"

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