Beauty Is in The Eye of The Beholder

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"Where are we going," she whined.

Albert held her hand as she stepped up into the van, "Just shut your mouth, and sit down." He aggressively buckled her into the seat.

"Ow..." she groaned, and held her breast, "you don't have to be so rough."

"Remember what I said about knowing when to shut your mouth," He raised his brow.

He slammed the door shut, and got in the drivers side. He started the van and it trembled as it started up.

"Can I know where we are going now?" She asked five minutes into the drive.

"I... am going to a few stores, and you are coming with me," he looked at her, and cupped her face in his hand. She slipped her face away.

"Why am I coming with you," she hit her head back into the headrest, and groaned.

"Because you are a little escape artist, I can't trust you to be home alone."

Albert looked over at her. She had a small smirk on her face. She tried to hide it but Albert could tell. He leaned over and raised his brow. "Oh you're happy about that?"

"I think this is one of those times where I need to shut up," she whispered.

Albert laughed dryly. "At least you're learning something."

Susanna ignored him. Her eyes were locked on the market they pulled up to. She hadn't been anywhere but that basement in a long time.

Susanna followed him down the bread aisle. Albert stopped dead in his tracks. He threw his arm back. It clashed her hard in the stomach. Susanna doubled over, clasping her hands over his fist. She held onto his arm holding herself up.

"What is the matter with you," she hissed, holding onto his bicep.

Albert was staring at a woman. Susanna had never seen him so awestruck. His brows were raised, and his eyes sparkled. Susanna watched him. Then she followed his gaze toward the women. The woman was tall and thin; She had high cheekbones, that wildly contrasted her deep sunken cheeks. Her skin was ivory, and her cheeks sun kissed. Not a hair on her head was out of place.


Albert licked his dry lips, and wiped away any drool that might have dribbled out. He was so dazed by Martha. He looked at Susanna, and his brows furrowed. Albert looked left to right seeing if anyone was around.

There was a phone booth right outside the market. It was a small store. There wasn't a corner that you couldn't see from the large open windows.

Albert grabbed her by her shirt collar and dragged her back into the aisle. He shoved her up against the shelf and loaves of white bread cushioned her head. Albert held her down. Then he reached his hand into his pocket. Spare change jingled. He pulled a shiny quarter and shoved it in her face. Taunting her with it as he waved it around.

"Do you see this," he asked in a deep growel.

Susanna scrunched up her little nose and squinted her eyes. She pulled her head as far back as she could from him. She nodded her head violently.

"Well," he said impatiently, "Do you see it?"

Susanna nodded again, "Yes..." she whined. "Yes, yes I see it." She flinched as he held it closer to her face.

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