The Cost

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Susanna jumped when she heard the van's backdoor opened. The loud noise distracted her. The memory of her and Max was gone. Susanna was struggling to remember much of anything anymore. She'd faintly remember things, but then as soon as they left her mind, she couldn't for the life of her get them back. The same way she couldn't get back the gaps of time in her brain. Albert was back at the van. But Susanna couldn't remember when Albert left the van in the first place.

Susanna was always curious ever since she was kid. Albert hated that about her. Albert, and her father had that in common. Susanna sat up. She twisted her body around to peered over the back of the passenger seat. Her hands were clutching the seat digging into the leather.

Albert put a case of beer down in the back. Susanna watched her eyes were wide and round. Because she couldn't afford to miss a single thing.

Albert had no more tolerance for her. He spent it all on the past few hours at the diner. Susanna knew it too. Albert stared at her blank faced. Susanna eyes were soft, and innocent. She just wanted to see, and touch, and listen to everything. But Albert wanted her on a leash. He wanted her to listen at a single command.

"Sit...down," Albert growled.

Albert slammed the truck door. He came to the driver's door. Albert ripped his door open, and got in. He slammed his door shut next.

"Put your damn seatbelt on. What did I tell you about getting up out of that seat?"

Susanna was buckled herself in lackadaisically.

"I'm sorry Al," Susanna shrugged. But she didn't sound sorry. She just sounded like a broken record. "I was just looking. I was just-."

"Curious," He hissed. He glanced at her. Susanna nodded. "That's why you don't leave the basement. Too many distractions for you out here."

"That's not true. I was good tonight." Susanna's voice was quiet. "I just wanted to look around a little."

"Susanna," Albert faked a big Ol' grinned at her.


"We have approximately five minutes till we get home. Do you think you can shut up for the next five minutes? Or is that too hard for you?"

"I just won't talk then," Susanna muttered.

"Thank you I'm glad we are finally on the same page."

"Well good I'll give you exactly what you want then."

"The only reason I have been able to suffer through hearing that whiny voice all night. Is knowing how peaceful, and quiet it is going to be when I put you back in that basement and lock the door."

Susanna didn't have a remark to say back to that. Albert looked at her. Susanna caught him looking out of the corner of her eye. Albert stole some glances as he drove. Susanna turned to the window. They passed houses she didn't recognize because she had never seen them before. Likely would never see again. She thought about opening the door mid drive and throwing herself out. Not because she had the desire to run away. But because she had this other worldly voice telling her that maybe, just maybe people would care if she got hurt. People would miss her if she died. Albert as much as he seemed to hate her at times. Perhaps if her face was scrapped along the pavement. He'd care. Even just a little.

A few seconds of silence went by. But as Albert predicted Susanna had more to say. She couldn't keep her mouth shut if she tried. Albert had become the center of her world. He was her world. So, she asked him questions like he was writing her story. Because in a sense he was. At this point she was a puppet, and he was holding her strings.

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