The Price We Pay

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Susanna had an infuriating way of making him like her. Albert found himself spending time in the basement just to hear her talk. Although she whined more than she talked.

"I was thinking," Susanna said sweetly. She always spoke nice, and proper when she wanted something. "Maybe I could come upstairs for dinner?"

"No." Albert shut her down immediately.

He stared at her through the mask. Susanna hated when he wore it. She said the smile scared her, gave her nightmares. But Albert found solace in knowing he haunted her dreams. She stood in the middle of the room just pacing. Because she didn't want to sit near him when he wore it.


"Absolutely not," he shook his head.

Susanna stared at him with her puppy dog eyes. And she held her hands together while she pleaded.

"But why." Susanna gave up on being a sweet Angel and began to whine like the brat he knew she was.

"Have you forgotten what I told you? Dog food every night for the next two weeks."

"But, but that's not fair!" Susanna pouted, "I don't want to eat that! Do you know how gross it is? And I can barely stomach it."

"You'll get used to it. Who knows maybe you'll even prefer it after the two weeks. You'll even beg me for it."

Susanna rolled her eyes at him, "If you ever wonder why I don't like you... think long and hard back to this moment."

"I'm sorry Susanna," he sighed. "It's your punishment. How would you respect me if I made exceptions."

"I don't even respect you now, nothing would change... I'd just hate you a little less."

"You don't process a single word before you send it flying from your mouth," Albert widened his eyes. "Then you wonder why I punish you."

"I'm sorry," Susanna bowed her head. There was that soft angel voice again. "Can't I have a different punishment? Don't you remember how sick I got last time. I threw up for half an hour."

Albert pulled the mask off. He ran his hand over his sweat slick forehead. He sighed.

"And do you remember how I bathed you and brushed your teeth for you. And I held you and rubbed your tummy? Do you remember all that?"

"Yes sir, I remember," Susanna whispered. "That doesn't change how unfair is it."

"Don't piss me off right now. I can be worse. Much worse. In fact, you are lucky you made it to the toilet in time. Because if you ever throw up on this floor, you will lick up every last drop. Do you understand?"

Susanna nodded, "Yes Sir, I understand."

"I'm glad you understand something. I worry about you, you know?"

"You do?"

"Oh yes, Susanna I do. I lay up in bed at night. I wonder how you made it this far without me. You might be the most brainless creature I ever met."

Susanna crossed her arms. "You're so mean!"

"Shush," Albert placed his index finger over his lips. "That whine," he covered his right ear. "God it is grating."

"You know what I don't understand, Al. You let me up there sometimes. You let sleep with you... you let me bathe up there. So, why can't I have dinner with you?"

"That's different."

"How is it different," She crossed her arms over her chest. "What gives you the right to make all the calls? Why can't I decide for once?"

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