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"Let me see that pink tongue," Albert grinned widely. He circled the bed.

Susanna stuck out her tongue. She was breathing heavily partly because he was tickling her, and in part because she was terrified.

"Panting already?" Albert caressed her hair. He stroked her forehead. He watched as she closed her mouth to wet her tongue.

"Go on pant like disgusting mutt, that you are."

Susanna looked at him begrudgingly. She stuck her tongue out and began to pant like he asked.

"Tell me what you are, Susanna."

"Your mutt, sir," she said. "A filthy mutt."

Susanna wet her dry lips. Now it wasn't an act she really was panting.

Susanna turned her head she merely glanced at the bottle of water on his bedside table. Albert caught her eyes. "Does my puppy need a drink?"

Susanna's mouth was so dry. She nodded her head. He stood over her. He placed the bottle to her lips. He slowly fed her the water.

"Drink up puppy. Come on, baby drink up." He lined it up with her mouth. She latched her mouth around it suckling it. Albert inclined the bottle turning it completely upside down. Susanna felt the water gush down her throat.

Albert chuckled as he watched her try to keep up. He wouldn't let her comeback for air. She thought she was going to drown or suffocate to death.

Susanna choked, and water exploded from her mouth. Albert just held the water bottle over her face. He let the contents of the water spill onto her face. She coughed and spat out the water that was pooling up in her throat. She felt go in her nose. It burned her throat when she coughed it all up.

"What a mess you are," He slapped his hand on her cheeks. He rubbed the water on her tits and the water was pooled on her chest. Just splashing around when he patted his hand all over in it.

Albert left her with the water all over her chest. He circled the bed. He grabbed her ankle tightly. He hadn't even done anything yet, but his thumb alone pressing down on her sole of her foot was making her squirm already. Albert got a good grip, and lightly teased the bottom of her foot with the very tip of his finger.

Albert focused on the soles of her feet tickling her what felt like hours. She tried to kick her feet, but every time she moved her legs the large knots pressed against the back of her knee, making her whale out in pain. The giggles that sounded from her lips were broken up by painful cries.  The rope was beginning to burn when it rubbed against her skin. And the two cuts on her leg burned.

"Al please!"

"You are extremely jittery for someone who isn't ticklish," Albert taunted her.

"Okay!" She whaled, "I'm ticklish, you win. Now please can you stop?! Please take me down."

"No," Albert shook his head. "Baby, you lost your chance for honesty."

Susanna bottom lip trembled, "Please?" She whispered in tears. Hoping her vulnerability would warrant his sympathy.

"Now, now baby. Let me have my fun." He wiped her tears. "You are going to stay in this compromising position...until you've entertained me. Because at the end of the day that is your job, isn't that, right?"

"Albert," she whispered. Her eyes were tearing up. Her bladder was full, and no matter how hard she clenched she couldn't stop herself from the little bit that was dribbling out.

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