ch 7 always and forever

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No pov
So it's been a couple years after Daniel and tails adopted and rescued Lilly and on the other hand besides getting married Tails and Daniel finally decided to take their honeymoon vacation and thankfully sonic and amy said they would watch over Lilly
Tails pov
I woke up early like usual and I noticed Daniel was still asleep so I let him be for now and went downstairs to see sonic amy and Lilly watching TV
Sonic: morning little bro

I chuckled at that he has been calling me that since I was little when we first met

Tails:you've been calling me that since I was little Sonic

Sonic:and I always will

Lilly came over and hugged me

Lilly:morning I hope it was ok I let them in

Tails: yeah it's fine,I guess you guys are wanting to see us off huh

Amy:yeah it's exciting being with the one you love oh I'm so happy for you guys

Daniel:thanks Amy, (hugs Tails from behind) morning Hon

Tails:morning babe

Daniel:so are we ready

I nodded and we said bye and headed for the tornado (Tails plane incase no one remembers) and we flew to our destination which of course is a surprise for daniel he kept asking me where we we're going
Daniel's pov
Tails and I got into the plane and we took off but why was Tails being so secretive about where we're going

Daniel:Tails please, can you tell me where we're going

Tails:sorry honey but I can't so your just going to have to wait till we get there


Tails: Daniel please try to be calm we'll be there soon ok

We stayed in silence for awhile till we started to get Turbulence as the plane shook


Tails: hang on I got this,just sit tight

Once that was done tails lowered the plane and parked it then turned to look at me

Tails:daniel are you ok babe

I couldn't respond so I just nodded my head,he helped me get down and I held my stomach and tried to catch my breath due to the rough landing, then tails helped me sit down and he sat down next to me

Tails: I'm so sorry Daniel, I didn't know there would be so much wind and Turbulence and I know You don't care for heights and it was a rough landing but

I cut him off with a kiss telling him that it's ok and that I'm fine and he helped me up and Tails told me that we made it to our destination so when I turned around I couldn't believe it we are outside the town of mobius where tails used to live

Daniel:wow I remember you telling me about your home but I've never seen it

Tails: oh and that's not all but you'll see it tomorrow

Daniel:see what Tails

He laughed and told me to be patient so we went inside ate dinner and watched a movie or two before bed the only thing on my mind is what do you have planed tails
The next morning I got up and saw tails was still asleep so I grabbed my jacket and my necklace that tails got me and went to make breakfast for the two of us but before I could even start tails came up behind me and turned me around and grabbed my waist and pulled me in for a kiss and we kissed for a moment then pulled away

Tails: morning

Daniel:good morning tails,so what's with the smile

Tails: because I have everything planned out for the both of us

Daniel:oh so no breakfast

Tails: (chuckles) yeah we can have breakfast but not here I have something else in mind

Daniel:ok then

So I put everything back and we went to a restaurant for breakfast then tails took me to my surprise an amusement park and I couldn't believe it
Tails:well what do you think,um daniel you ok.....babe........hey you ok

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