Gut Feeling: Chapter five

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{Deans POV}

[a few hours earlier.....]

"Winchester, you're up." A small girl with short blonde hair and dark eyes barks from the front desk.

"I'm Meg, the student office assistant. Anyways, here is your and your brothers schedules and maps of the school. I'm supposed to show you around, but I really don't feel like it, and I kinda want some snogging time with my boyfriend before home room. That is if he hasn't found some loser to beat up. Bye bitches!"

She walks away leaving Sam and I standing puzzled on what to do next. Luckily we have done this before. Sam looks at Meg's retreating back and gives me a look that obviously says "what a bitch!" I nod my head in agreement and realize I was right. This school was going to suck.

Sam smiles before getting out his schedule.

"Ok so I have history first, then science, then English, then lunch/free period, then gym, and finally math." Sam reads through his schedule with a determined expression.

"What do you have Dean?"

I open my schedule to see I have math for first period.

"Urgh math." I grumble. I longingly look out at my baby ( a 67 Chevy Impala)in the school parking lot.

"I'm gonna go to class Dean, see ya later!" Sam scampers off with a little bounce in his step. I can tell he is getting excited to meet new people. Unlike me he actually likes making friends.

I wish I could just leave for a bit and come back... But wait... What's stoping me? I laugh as I head out the doors and sit in the seat of my baby. I smile and drive to a nearby coffee shop. I think I'm just going to get some coffee and pie, I really love pie, and eat it in the impala until first period is over.

After I get my treat, I drive back to school. That's when I can just feel it. I have a really bad feeling about driving behind the school.

But of course, I am Dean freakin Winchester!

And when I have a gut feeling, I face my fears!

So I start driving behind the school.

(Ok guys... I'm sorry this chapter was some really shitty writing. I just needed a filler before a REALLY good part coming up! I decided to keep this one short because I need to be in a better writing mood. Anyway, thanks for reading! And please please please please please please leave comments! Love you guys!!!)

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