Expect the Unexpected

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It had been a few months since Castiel and Deans reunion behind the school. Things have been going great for the two of them. Dean was the popular jock kid with the life everyone wants, but he still treated everyone with the same kindness no matter their social status. Being with Dean had given Cas the courage to speak up and make friends. They were both happier than they ever could have imagined in their prior miserable lives.

It took a month or so but Cas and Dean eventually came out to their school as a couple. Some kids were jerks about it of course, but those who minded didn't matter, and those who mattered didn't mind. (Dr. Seuss quote btw) Dean and Cas loved each other and to them that's all that mattered.

Cas's parents were overjoyed with the news. Though Chuck did get a few dollars out of Anna for it.

Cas also got up the courage to tell the world everything about his real mother. And all of the horrible things she did to him. His mother went to prison on multiple charges of rape, kidnapping, assault, and endangerment of a minor. Everyone was there to support him, and Cas finally felt safe in his own skin again.

As for Crowley and the gang, they got what was coming for them. Some unnamed trickster... Cough cough Gabriel.... Mysteriously left a note on Crowleys front door telling his parents where their child was that night. Upon arriving to the scene his parents found him mugging a stranger. In exchange for not pressing charges Crowley got sent to a military school, and without their leader the gang went their own separate ways.

For Cas everything was finally at peace. He was safe and had the love of his life at his side.

As for Dean, when his father finally arrived back home and found out about his son there was quite a commotion. His father decided it wasn't worth the fight so he gave custody of the boys to Bobby. They still see John every once in a while and he had decided to go "get sobered up" at a rehab center. Along with that and therapy he returned close to his old self again and moved in with Bobby and the boys. All was at peace with the boys.

And the whispers of the world finally stopped for the two of them. No more wondering what the other thought, or whether they were loved. They thought together as one, and they became one. In their unconscious actions of moving at the same time, or thinking the same thing, Castiel Novak and Dean Winchester stopped whispering to themselves, wondering what was going to happen because they knew. And they knew it'd be great.

It was a sweet summer evening in between junior and senior year and Cas and Dean were sitting under a large oak tree.

"You know I never thought I'd be this happy" Cas confessed leaning his head on Deans shoulder.

Dean hummed in agreement.

"Well my lovely, when you're dealing with Winchesters you should learn to expect the unexpected."

And there they sat. Happy together as one as they would for many many years to come.

[hey guys! I know this sounds like an epilogue, and I guess it is. I loved writing this story! It was great and you guys are great! But I'm so busy and not really good at updating. If you would like if be willing to do a sequel if when they were older. So if this gets enough comments I will be willing to do that.

Now on the Sabriel part of this story, I'm going to be moving that to a new story. I will update you guys on the title later on. But stay tuned if you would like that!

Love allll of you readers, thank you so much for reading and please comment what you thought, and your thoughts on a sequel!!!!


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