A Loss And A Gain

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[ A/N So so sorry for being such a horrible author and not keeping up on updates! ts been a month since updated and m sorry! I've been so busy lately having a job and other things. But still should have updated. Anyways I'm updating now on a stupid laptop that doesn't have a comma or I or the letter that comes after j. I have to copy and paste the letters or hope spellcheck helps. But need to update so I'm here! Any ways can't believe have over 300 some reads! I expected maybe 30? I love all of you guys and please vote/comment love hearing from you all! Enjoy the next chapter. XOXO ~ Cece (dammit the other bracket doesn't wor ether...)

{Gabriel's POV)

Luci and I watched the mop of brown hair down the hallway. After our outburst he looked at us, his face a mixture of annoyance and disgust, aka the best bitchface we had ever seen, he turned his back on us and walked the other way.

"Dammit Luce!" I said smacking him on the back of his head.

"Ow! What the fuck Gabe?!"
He replied rubbing the back of his head.

Ignoring the states of people passing by I gestured angrily to the boy who was rounding the corner into a different hallway.

"Why'd you scream that?! You scared him away!"

"I scared him?!! You screamed too! Besides why do you care? It's not like he was more than a game! And we can still attempt the playbook on him!"

"I guess you're right..."
I didn't know why it hurt me seeing that face upset with me. it felt like I had let him down in someway... but why should I care? Luci's right, he's just a game to us. And besides, a guys as hot as him is definitely straight.

Luci gives me a weird look. I wipe the bewildered expression from my face and replace it with a playful smile.

"Race you to class?"

He returns my smile and we sprint down the hall, ignoring the "Novak! Stop that right now!"'s that came our way.


{Deans POV}

Cas and I had dozed off when the door opened with a lot of commotion. Not wanting to get up I buried my face under Cas more. Fighting must have tired him out because he wasn't even stirring. I become vaguely aware of a chorus of awws and cameras snapping before I realize what position I'm in. I'm snuggled in the tiny hospital bed, my limbs tangled around my best friend. Oh I had always dreamed of this... wait what? I'm.... Not.... In... Love.... With... My.... Cas.... Wait my Cas? Wtf brain? I must just be tired... I mean I had practically been up all night. These thoughts really don't mean anything right? But I remember reading somewhere that when your brain is in the half asleep, half awake, stage you subconscious will tell you what you really want. Eh who knows if that is even true? You know what? Forget it, this is just my tired brain being stupid. Whatever. I remember the noise I heard and pull myself up out of my drowsy subconscious.

"Cas? Wait who's that boy? What the hell is he doing sleeping with Cassie? Chuck! You don't think he took advantage of Cas because he is hurt do you? Oh my god what if they had sex! CHUCK! Oh my god Cas honey!"

I smile to myself hearing Anna's voice. she obviously didn't recognize me yet. Unlike Cas, she had seen me since the day Cas left.

When Chuck still was out of the country on buisness Anna was a youth therapist. she briefly worked in New York and she went from group home to group home helping kids who needed some help getting back on track. It was a bad time for me Sammy and my dad. Dad had been gone for quite some time and the little money Sammy and I had had dwindled to nothing. Sammy came home from school starving because we didn't have lunch money, and I needed to get something in his stomach. I did the one thing I could think of to get food. I stole.

I made my way out of the store with bread and peanut butter up my sleeves, but I didn't expect the alarm that sounded as I crossed the doorway.
"Stop young man!" I ran from the cries but I was no match for the fit shop owner. the police dropped me off at Sonny's group home.

At first I hated it there and I was an ass to just about everyone I met. But being there changed my life. It helped me come to terms with my bisexuality and stop being so hard on myself. When we all had individual therapy, or as they called it, "one on one talks", I became reacquainted with Anna. She helped me out a lot and I trusted her enough talk about everything. After my dad suddenly showed up I missed that place, but Sammy needed me.

I quietly sit up

"Hello Anna, Chuck. Long time, no see."

I laugh a bit at their shocked expressions.

"Dean?" Chuck chokes out

"The one and only" I smile and Anna gathers me in her arms.

"Oh sweetie! I haven't seen you in forever! How are you? And Sam? And what about your dad? Has he quit drinking?"

Chuck puts a hand on Anna's back and gives her a look to calm down.

"I'm fine, so's Sam. And no, but we're managing."

Anna gives me a sad look but doesn't push it. She gestures to Cas.

"How'd you hear he was here? I didn't think you had contact information." Anna gives me a confused look.

"I brought him here."

"What?" It's the first time Chuck has spoken since I woke up and his voice was different than I remember and it surprises me.

"I was driving around after getting breakfast. And I noticed a group of boys. As I got closer I noticed they were beating up some kid. I stepped in and carried him to my car and drove here." I finish my story with a shrug and suddenly I'm pulled off the bed by a hug.

"Thank you." This time it wasn't Anna, it was Chuck.

"You saved my son. He probably would have died without you."

"I couldn't just leave him could I? I said brushing off the praise.

At that moment Dr. Sexy enters the room.

"Oh good! You're all here! Now as soon as you sign these discharge papers, you're free to go."

It takes me a second to realize that the doctor must have already talked to them because they already had his bag of tattered clothes and other possessions. I wondered how long I was sleeping for. Speaking of sleeping, I looked at Cas laying on the bed. He looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake him. So when the forms were all done I offered to carry Cas to the car.

After carrying Cas and settling him in the car with only a few sleepy grunts from him, I unwillingly stepped away from the car and started back to mine.


I turned hearing Anna's call.

"You're welcome to stay with Cas if you want. I mean you're just across the street so Sam should be fine."

I hastily agree and get in my baby to follow her. Today had been a long day, and I had finally found my Cas. There was no way I was letting him out of my sight now.

{A/N again sorry for taking so long! I will try to get a schedule going once school starts again! Love you all and I'm going to try to keep all chapters over 1,000 words k? Thanks and please vote/comment! XOXO ~Cece

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