What's Up With You?: Chapter eleven

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{Castiels POV}


"Wha- oh!" He realizes he was still holding my hand from shaking and pulls it away.

"Are you ok? You kinda spaced out there for a minute."

He stares at me like he was trying to figure something out.


"Cas." He states his eyes wide.

"Castiel Novak, brother of Gabriel Novak, Lucifer Novak, Balth-"

I put my hand out to make him stop talking.

"Yes, that's me. And would you so happen to be Dean Winchester, brother of Sam Winchester?"

"That's the one! Cas! I thought I'd never see you again!"

"Dean! Me neither!"

Dean suddenly grabbed me and pulled me into a huge hug. Right then the doctor decided it was a good time for my meds.

"Hello Casti- oh... I'm sorry... didn't mean to interrupt anything."

"It's ok doc." Dean responded loosening his grip on me and straightening up.

"Cas and I were just catching up. You see we were best friends as kids, but after we both moved we thought we would never see each other again."

Thank god we were wrong.

Dean was looking at me with a wolffish grin on his face.

The doctor smiles a knowing smile before handing Cas an aspirin.

"Here, take this. Your X-rays showed you have two bruised ribs and a little bit of internal bleeding, but we took care of that. We are going to let you out today, but we would like you to not go to school for at least a week. Ok?"

"Yes doc."

"Oh and I forgot to mention, you really need to try calling your parents again. I know it's 3am but they must be worried sick! We tried finding a number for them, but we were unsuccessful."

I sighed. Calling my parents was not going to be fun. Chuck, my dad, and Anna, my stepmom, were awesome. but Anna always worried a little too much... I was planning on staying the night with Charlie and Jo, so she probably just thought I was there. I knew I couldn't put it off any longer so I picked up the hospital phone and dialed.

Dr. Sexy nodded and left the room.

"Hello?" Anna's voice rang through the phone.

"Hi Anna, it's Cas."

"Oh my god! Cas! Are you ok? Are ou hurt? Why aren't you calling me on your phone? Are you still at Charlie's and Jo's? Oh no! Are you dying? Did you get robbed? What about Charlie and Jo? Are they all ri-"

"Anna!" I interrupted.

"I'm ok, I got into some trouble with Crowley and the others again today."

"Castiel oh honey! Are you hurt? Those sonofa-"

"Anna. listen to me please. I'm ok. I'm at the hospital, but the doctor says I will be alright to go home today."


"What is it honey?" I smile a bit at my dad's calmness compared to Anna.

"Castiel is in the hospital!"

"What? Why?" My dad says suprised.

"Crowley." she states

"That sonofabitch." He says angrily.

He grabs the phone from Anna.

"Cassie we are coming to get you ok? We will be there in an hour or so. Ok?"

I cringe at the nickname, but tell him I will see him later.

"Well that was eventful."

Deans voice startles me as I hang up the phone.

"Haha tell me about it."

"Are they always like that?"

"Pretty much. My dad is pretty calm most of the time, but Anna, she can be a bit crazy..."

"Anna, huh? Wasn't that your dad's girlfriend when we were kids?"

"Yea, now she and my dad have tied the knot and we are living in my old house again."

"Wow really?! Well Cas, guess you and I are neighbors again!"

I then remembered seeing someone moving in Deans old house next to mine.

"Really? That's great! Just like when we were kids."

"Yep. so anyway what's been happening with you since we last saw each other?" Dean asks, curiosity filling his eyes.

I sigh preparing myself to tell Dean my not so fabulous story.

"Well last time I saw you was when your mom and dad got me away from that poor excuse of a mother. My brothers and I moved with my uncle to North Carolina. After a few months my dad called. He had quit his job as international business man and could take care of me and my brothers. I've lived with he and Anna ever since."

"Wow Cas, that's-"

"Wait Dean I'm not finished. While I was living with my dad and Anna, we had a nice small house and were content. Until she came. My mom found out where I was and she was pissed. She hated that I was with my dad and late one night came and took me. I was stuck with her for two weeks."

I blinked back tears trying to get through the rest of the story.

"Finally the police found me. My mom was convicted of kidnapping, battery and a couple other... things. She got 40 years without the possibility of parole."

"Geez Cas. I'm really sorry." Deans face was filled with worry and he squeezed me into another hug.

"I'm ok now. She got what she deserves. Now I have dad and Anna and it's pretty great."

"Apart from school...." Dean looks at me waiting for an explanation about today.

"Don't worry about that Dean."

He gives me a weird look but drops it.

"So tell me what's going on in your life Dean. How's Sammy? And Mary and John?"

It had become customary for me to all them by their first names when I was little.

Dean gives me a sad look before sitting down in the chair next to the hospital bed and pulling his knees to his chest.

"My mom... She..... Died. Two weeks after you left. My dad, well he just went bonkers. He never went to work so eventually he lost his job. We lost the house too, so we moved to California. We didn't stay there long though. We bounced around... Its all kinda a blur of stinky apartments, and dirty motel rooms.. But my dad just never pulled it together. Things just kinda or worse and worse. My dad he would get angry. It wasn't his fault, I mean I should know better that to be around when he is drunk, but sometimes he would get real angry and take it out on me. He never touched Sammy though. I made sure of that."

Deans voice grew stronger when he thought about protecting Sam.

"Oh Dean..."

I didn't know what to say.

"I'm so sorry."

"S'okay. We moved here and he just goes off doing his own thing. Sometimes we will get some money from him, or a bit in the mail from our uncle Bobby, but we do ok. As long as Sammy is ok, all is good."

I looked at Dean trying not to show the pity in my eyes.

I sat up and made reached my arms out to him. He got up and let me wrap my arms around him. This is what missed about Dean the most. The way we could tell each other everything and somehow it all seemed better.

"I'm glad I finally found you Cas."

"Me too Dean. Me too."

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