Come On Lets Go: Chapter seven

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[Deans POV]

Oh crap. What am I supposed to do now? I look for a sign of anyone else in the parking lot, but since the late bell had rung 10 minutes ago, it was deserted.

Great. It's just my luck that I would get into a situation like this on my first day. How am I supposed to explain to Sammy how I got into a fight on the first day? I promised him is be different this year.

Oh well... I will deal with that later. Now I have to worry about how I'm going to take care of this guy. I look him up and down, I was just looking for injuries, I swear! But I couldn't help but notice that he was incredibly attractive. Haha maybe if he's ok after this I could ask him out on a date!

What the hell Dean? You did not just think that! One, you may be bisexual, but he is definitely a ladies man! I mean come on, those eyes, the sex hair, and damn he is fit! Why didn't he just fight those guys off? He probably could have taken them easily. And two, didn't you swear off any relationships after your dad started drinking? You can't afford to have your heart broken again.

Arrrgh! What am I even doing? I should not be thinking about any of this! I need to take care of him so he even lives! He's not awake yet, so I better take him to the hospital. I think I saw one a little ways away. I would just call an ambulance, but I left my phone at home. And if I ran into the school, those guys might come back to finish him off!

I pick up the messy bundle of tan, stained with blood and carry him to the car. He's heavier than I usually carry, but nothing I can't manage.

"Come on buddy. Let's go. We gotta get you to a hospital fast. Before you lose anymore blood." I place him in the passengers seat of baby and strap his seatbelt on.

I run around to my seat and start the engine. As I backed up I see the group of guys return. Revving my engine I flip them off before booking it the the hospital.

I read the sign, Seattle Mercy Hospital, before rushing in.

"Help! Help! I've got a boy in my car and he's loosing blood faster by the minute!"

Two nurses run towards me and one of them grabs a wheelchair before following me towards my car.

"Have you been keeping pressure on the wound?" One of them asked as we arrived at the car.

"Uh sort of? I had been trying to press an old shirt onto him while driving, but it was pretty difficult."

She nodded her head at me before speaking into a walkie talkie.

"Get Dr. Sexy into room 108 immediately. I've got a boy with blood loss and multiple injuries to the stomach area and face. Eve's wheeling him in now."

I turn from her and follow the nurse, I assume is called Eve, back through the hospital doors. I try to follow them into the room, but I'm stopped by the nurse who I had spoken with earlier.

"Sorry, you can't go in there quite yet son. My names Tessa, follow me to the waiting area and I'll come get you when the doc says it's ok for you to visit."

I nod and follow her. I walk in to the waiting room and plop myself into the closest chair.

"Let my know if you need anything sweetie." Tessa says smiling at me sympathetically.

"Thanks." I mutter leaning my head back and sighing. I close my eyes and drift off to a uncomfortable sleep.

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