Last Day of Freedom

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(A/N hey guys! I'm back. I really need to update more regularly but life is very busy. I have a question to ask you guys but I'll do that at the end of this chapter. Anyways please vote/comment I love hearing feedback! Love ya and enjoy the chapter!)

So in this chapter we get to see another side of Cas. A more teenage boyish side, and a bit more sexual side, instead of the innocent boy he has been in the last few chapters. Nothing really has changed except for his thoughts are a bit more vulgar but he's still the normal Cas from before. Please remember this as you read! Thanks!}

Warning: If anyone is very uncomfortable with mention of slight sexual things, skimming through the at least the beginning may be a good idea. But there is nothing extremely sexual or strange. Thanks!

{Cas's POV}

He was always around. Just like the old times. Me and Dean against the worlds unfair social standards. For some reason he wasn't always by my side but when I needed him most Id look up to see him leaning on our favorite tree as kids, crossing his arms, with his signature wolfish grin on his face. I learned to love that grin, especially when he would flash it to me as he caressed my arms, torso and finally down to-

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The signature beep if my alarm clock jerks me awake.

"Damn... Right at the good part." I sigh as I flop back on my pillows.

It takes me a second to realize what I just said. When I do a second later my eyes widen and I gasp a quiet "fuck..."

Falling for my straight best friend.

Every gay persons worst nightmare.

Especially for me, considering what happened last time. I groan and worry even more as I catch a glimpse of the bulge under my covers.

I run one hand through my hair and take a moment to let out a small cry of despair before I take care of it. Jerking if to a pretty pair of pretty green eyes I see the irony in my life. Jerking off, not only to a guy, but to my best friend in the whole world, is pretty big sin for a guy named after an angel.

Washing my hands of my misery and sins (literally) I stare at my faintly bruised self in the mirror. It's my last day before I go back to school, I better enjoy it.


I lay in my bed, my legs sprawled out with my computer between them, for about an hour just enjoying the free time when I hear a knock on my door.

"Cas you decent?" I hear a beautiful voice I could never get enough.

Dean doesn't really wait for an answer before opening the door and flopping face down on my bed, right between my legs. I notice the small space separating Dean from my crotch. Remembering my dreams and actions from this morning I blush, and my dick gives a slight twitch. "Behave!" I tell my self and give a small cough to clear my mind of that bootylicious ass and those bright pink plump lips just inches from my sightly hard- shit... Behave Castiel.

Dean groans and rolls over so his head is in Cas's lap. Glancing at Cas's computer he covers his eyes.

"Dude! If you're going to watch porn at least do it when you don't have company!" Dean makes sure to say this loud enough so that the tricksters in the room next to mine hear.

"Shut up you assbutt! I'm writing my dumb essay and listening to music!" I protest equally as loud and I hear a 'suuuure he is' from the next room. I took my eyes at Dean who is laughing and I think to myself, why would I need porn when I have your pretty ass right in front of me?

Dean stays in his position on my lap for a while. We sit taking and laughing about my spelling errors and fixing my grammar mistakes together. Truth be told I was partly excited to go to school tomorrow. Dean and I have all but one class together and I'm going to have all day to be with him, unlike the last few weeks when he'd only come over after school.

Speaking of school I look at my clock and see that it's 12:30. Right now Dean and I should be in chemistry. It finally occurs to me that Dean should be in school right now.

"Hey Dean?" I notice he had fallen asleep in my lap while I had been wrapped up in my thoughts.

"Mmmm?" He sleepily lifts his head up and turns it towards me.

I make a mental note about how sexy he looks with his hair all disheveled.

"Why aren't you in school?"

He laughs

"Just noticing I'm here now angel?"

"No assbutt. I just realized it's a school day and-"

"Relax Cas, I was kidding. I'm not at school because I can't let my lil Cassie poo spend his last day of freedom locked up in his room can I?"

I smile a bit at the nickname, even though I know it's completely platonic and he's just kidding.

"Well then why are we sitting here for?"

Dean looks at me surprised.

"Woah man I thought it take forever to convince you to get out."

Usually Dean would be right. I'm not one for partying, but today was a special occasion. And Dean was here.

"Well it's your lucky day then isn't it Winchester?"

{A/N Oooo where shall Dean and Cas go? Hehe wait and find out. So I have a question for you guys. This chapter is sort of short but I'm really busy sorry 😁 But anyways I was wondering if you guys would rather me update shorter chapters closer together or longer chapters farther apart? A short chapter is about 600-800 words and a long one is over 1000. Please tell me what you guys prefer! Thanks! And please remember to vote/comment! Love you guys!!!!}


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