|°CHAPTER 19°|✔️

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Arjun sighed deeply! How long can he stand outside the college? The sky was cloudy and it was breezy clear sign of heavy rainfall

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Arjun sighed deeply! How long can he stand outside the college? The sky was cloudy and it was breezy clear sign of heavy rainfall.

He hated how that little kitten had the power to stay in his mind 24/7, he hated how that causing problems to others did not matter to him but when he did something to her it stayed in his damn mind.

The only way he consoled himself was that she was his best friend's sister and that's why he felt bad.
But deep down he knew it was not just that!

Among all these Arjun badly wanted to know - Why was he running away instead of facing her? He knew what he did was wrong but what she did was also wrong and when she could apologize and be normal why can't he?

Sighing he started his bike and drove towards his flat for the first time bunking his art club!


Keerthana was in the class waiting for the head teacher to walk in and say something about the last class.

Oh! Wait she maybe or maybe not also waiting nah looking for Arjun.

She sat on the very same bench where they sat in the last class!

She looked around and found the students were in their world and were not looking at keerthana as she thought.

Keerthana was an overthinker! She took over the activity as her part-time job.

She lost sleep last night thinking the entire class was gone staring at her and whispering things, the teacher had her into the highlighted students list and pointing her out.

She feared it! But now that the students seemed not bothering about her she let out a breath of relief and waited for the teacher and also for the man who caused her this trouble.

Ask her why she was waiting. She might have no answer but she might cover it up by saying 'he is the only person I know in the club'

The student standing up to the teacher was the action that brought her thoughts and she stood up too.

The teacher's eyes searched for someone.

Keerthana had two guesses it was either for her or for Arjun.

Cause he was the head and he was still not here.

The students sat and quickly the first years formed a circle and keerthana did not have a choice but to follow them.

"Hey dear!" The teacher called gaining not just her attention but the entire class's attention

Keerthana honestly feared but did not show it! She smiled at him
"Yes sir?" She asked

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