Independant!Osomatsu and Sister!Reader

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(Inspired by a mash-up of Linkin Park's 'Lost' and 'Numb'. 'Lost' echoed what I imagined Osomatsu to be feeling while 'Numb' was the Reader's outcry against her older brother.

Takes place after Season 1, Episode 24 (season finale, part one). There are depictions of violence.)

I couldn't believe what happened, despite seeing it with my own eyes.

Last Friday, the house was full of my rambunctious sextuplet brothers and their antics of defined chaos...but today, I was greeted by the back of a lone red sweatshirt leaning over the round table positioned in the common room. The air was thick with heavy grief, the void of shoes within the mud area just in front of the main door speaking volumes of what had happened.

My hand tightened around the strap of my bookbag, my lips pursing in sadness as I took a deep breath in.

"Shut up."

The command was sharp, stealing the breath in my lungs as I briefly caught the furious glare just appearing over my eldest brother's shoulder, the red glint hard to miss within the shadow cast over his face.

"You don't even know what I was going to say," My throat tightened in frustration, kicking off my sneakers and dropping the bag by the dresser holding our outside gear. With socked feet padding towards the common room, my gut began screaming at me to stop advancing towards the man whom I knew was overcome with regret.

"I don't need to hear it," He didn't move an inch. The only indication that he wasn't paralyzed was his only visible eye following my every move, "You, Mom, and Dad are all the same."

"We're still here!" I shouted, splaying a hand over my heart, "No one has truly abandoned you!"

"'Abandon'..." He rolled the word over in his mouth, repeating the term like he couldn't understand it, "You'll do the same when you graduate."

I dumbly blinked at the accusation, struggling to find the words to deflect the lie he seemingly believed.

He took my pause as admission, moving his head to focus back on the table in front of him as a skeptic huff left his lips.


He didn't look back at me.


"Fuck off."

I reached down with the intention to rest my hand on his shoulder, wanting him to feel that I wouldn't 'abandon' him like he felt the others had. I wanted to show him that I still loved him as a brother and that it would be okay, that the other five sextuplets would occasionally visit when they had time to settle into a rhythm.

What I wasn't expecting was the curled fist driving into my left cheek.

My voice froze as my body slammed through the wooden sliding door leading to the kitchen, my head colliding with the kitchen table before the punch's momentum released me and gravity pulled me back to the floor.

My vision blurred, my older brother turning into four copies for a moment before the images merged as he shook his fist while relaxing his standing position. I felt something warm drip down the back of my neck before the same warmth trickled over my right eye, my hand mindlessly reaching up and brushing the obstruction away.

The pads of my fingers were coated with something dark, the only light streaming in from the common room at this time of night.

"I told you to 'fuck off'. This is your fault."

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