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Xia Xingchi stared at the hot search for a long time, dumbfounded, before finally confirming in shock that Xia Yu would really be listed on various black searches one after another.

After all, this is the favored protagonist of the original book. He has never been blasted like this after he did evil so happily until the finale. The star journey has always been smooth sailing, and he has never been beaten by society.

Not only did Xia Xingchi never expect it, even netizens who are used to eating melons never expected such a fresh and hot big melon and such a slap in the face—

Xia Yu had just bought Heisou and Shuijun, which splashed dirty water, and it was exposed that there were no pants left in less than half an hour.

The behavior of maliciously withdrawing Xia Xingchi's hot search was directly exposed, including the real hammer screenshot of accusing and commenting on buying black search and buying navy.

Even the various marketing accounts turned against the water collectively. While withdrawing the original Xia Xingchi scandal, they all blew up their previous transaction records with Xia Yu.

There were also Xia Yu's bad attitude urging "Post these contents up now!" "Hurry up and stop dawdling!" All the chat records were exposed.

The character design of the wealthy and cute young master was shattered all over the place.

【Ah, I'm going off in person, but I can't even wash it off, and I can't blame the team if I want to. Drip ~ idiot card! 】

[He's in a hurry, he's in a hurry, Xia Xingchi is better than him in endorsement resources, better looking, and cuter than him, Xia Yu is in a hurry! 】

[So Xia Yu, an "innocent baby", even bought so many black searches from Xia Xingchi just because of the past season's high-end products? 】

[It's terrible for me to rub, is he mentally twisted? 】

[Laughing to death, looking at his skillful appearance, he must have done such immoral things led by the water army before.]

[With such a strong desire to win and lose with such a strong jealousy, don't brag about "entering the entertainment industry is just playing casually" all day long, the collapse of the human design is really disgusting]

[Remember that little handsome guy said "Finally showed up" on the red carpet, I just found out that they are an economic company! They are all famous! 】

[Yes, isn't Xia Yu known as the "No. 1 brother of the famous name", the famous celebrity is really amazing, and he keeps suppressing newcomers because of jealousy? 】

[@双名娱乐, don’t pretend to be dead, don’t you give me an explanation for this matter? 】

The cause and effect became clear in an instant, and even Xia Yu's fans, who had always been known for their fighting power and madness, were struck speechless by the ironclad evidence.

After holding back for a long time, I could only repeat "This must be a p-picture, this is wronged!"

He was easily reprimanded by one sentence, "If it is really wronged, then why didn't he send a lawyer's letter to sue for defamation?"

This side is so torn apart, Xia Xingchi's fans started to grow again:

[Where is the little brother? Didn't come back after leaving the camera just now? 】

[Hug Xingchi baby, it's really too miserable to be bullied all the time, those black searches are all fake, we won't scold you]

【Come back, come back, I haven't seen enough of the handsome guy yet】

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