Poor admiral (Vaderdala)

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All the imperials said it was dangerous to work with Vader or his ship The Executor, even more dangerous if you were high ranking- you were more likely to get the blame. And here I was, the admiral of Vaders ship, admirals didn't have the best record with Vader, rumor had it he strangled both my predecessor and the man who would have been admiral; so here I was. But you don't know the best part, Vader took a special interest in me, Me! The Nobody-admiral from Naboo with no family name to rely upon, nothing to stop Vader from killing me, so how was I a year in; most admirals didn't make it three or four months, let alone ones that got his attention. Yet here I was, there were rumours circulating and I don't know wether Vaders heard them or not. I have many names now: the girl with lord Vaders attention, the lady admiral who is safe from lord Vaders wrath, the one lord Vader doesn't dare touch, the girl Vader loves, that last one made me snort, actually snort, when I heard it. There was no way in the galaxy Vader liked me, but even more, there was no way in the universe of universes! That I liked Vader, while I'm loyal to the empire, he is a monster, he kills, he doesn't show mercy, him and his master are cruel, they rule an evil empire, while I'm all for the idea of one, the senate needs to function, the corruption needs to leave, the fear methods and all those horrible galactic laws need to be demolished. I thought all this, and I knew for a fact vader knew I thought all this, I assumed that was why I was in this mess of interest, but if so, why have I survived so long? Is this some waiting game? They better not dare to mess with me, I am strong, I am brave, I will fight for what's right. I am
Admiral Amidala

Admiral Amidala, hmm, Admiral Amidala, admiral Amidala, admiral amidala, it has such a nice ring to it, well; so dose
Emperor Vader

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