United Socialist Germanican of Republic

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Flag/Symbol/Battle Flag:

Flag/Symbol/Battle Flag:

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Coat of Arms:

Type Of Goverment: Democratic-Socialist Republican

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Type Of Goverment: Democratic-Socialist Republican

Ideology: Anti-Fascism, Anti-Racist, Anti-Theocracy, Military Dictatorship, Democracy, Communist, Capitalist, Socialist, Stratocracy.

Military: United Germanican Armed Forces (UGAF), United States Armed Forces (USAF) & Democratic Socialist German Armed Forces (DSGAF).

Civilization Era: 1960-2000 (Cold War and Modern Warfare) 2900-3010 (Futuristic Warfare)

Capital: Berlin D.C. (Washington D.C. and Berlin)

Populations: 20,000,000

Leader: Supreme President

Supreme President: Jaone H. R Khama.


Germanican Military Branches:

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Germanican Military Branches:


UGAF Air Forces


UGAF Marine Corp

UGAF Space Forces

American Military Branches:

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