Goodbyes and Hellos? Continued

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"IMM HOME!!!!" Zayn screamed out

"ZAYNNNNN!!!!!" I heard little girls voices and running foot steps from somewhere in the house.

Just then two girls came bounding in. The older looking one had straight long dark brown hair. Her name is Waliyah. She was beautiful I was getting a bit jealous. Me with my thick brown hair which went to my lower back, ugh so much hair. I swear I'm going to cut it off it gets in the way to nerdy ray ban glasses, gauges and beanie. Yes I sound like a hipster but no I'm not trying to be, this has just been my style since middle school. Beanies and ray bans. Those are my things.

Then the younger one resembled Zayn so much. It was like a younger female version of him. That's Safaa. I loved their unique names.

"Waliyah! Safaa!! I missed you like crazy! How's every thing going? How's school?"

"Zayn everything's going great...."

I started zoning out letting them have their moment. I would be doing the same thing gushing over my siblings.

"Where's my darling angel?"

Then a lady around her earlyish 40's came out of the kitchen I'm presuming.

"Mum! I'm not five anymore!" Zayn protested while gently pushing his mothers hands away from his cheeks

"Okay my Bradford bad boi."

"Mum!!! I don't even say that anymore!"

"Oh Zayn are you going to introduce us to your new friend?" His mother noticed me hiding behind Zayn close by the door.

"Yes mum, this is Kianna Chavez. She's going to live in the flat next to us. She's from America."

"I'm Patricia but everyone calls me Tricia." She said whole shaking hands with me. "What are you in Bradford for?"

"Well I'm going to start up a color guard organization here soon."

"Oh really? Well that sound intresting." She replied.

"Mummy what is color guard?" Waliyah asked.

"Well why don't you ask kianna yourself."

"Umm excuse me miss kianna. What's color guard." She asked me shyly.

"How about I show you what is color guard."

Her face lit up brighter than the trail of lights back at home. Hmm home that sounds lovely.

I went to my flat knowing that my flag rifle, and saber where all there from shipping them here a while back. I missed my rifle like crazy wanting to get my hands on it. As I started to warm up my hands Waliyah's and Safaa's faces went in excitement as I tossed my double on flag.

"MUMMY! MUMMY! I WANT TO DO THAT!" they yelled happily.

"Well Kianna" Tricia started "how much?"

"No charge."


"Yeah I don't want to charge y'all because y'all have shown me such hospitality and I want to show y'all some of my southern hospitality while in here."

"Well how about you come over for dinner tonight or a couple of nights and we can call it even?"

"Why not seems like a fair deal."

"To be honest went I first saw you I thought you were a crazed fan that followed Zayn home again, but you changed my thoughts about you Kianna. And I love your accent what part of America are you from again?"

"I'm from Texas. In a small town an hour away from San Antonio and Austin. And might I say I love your accent."

"You know, Kianna we're going to get along just fine."

And just like that I won my way into Tricia's heart.


Woo!!! I'm loving this story. I try to update as usually as possible but you know things get in the way. Okay thanks for reading my loyal 2 readers c: BYE!!!!


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