Chapter 3 ~A Quick Look Into The Past

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Chapter 3

For a second he just looks down at me, and I look up at him. Now that I'm looking at him, he and I do look quite similar. Same pale pink hair colour, same black eyes, similar facial features (Mine are more feminine), I'm shorter than him though. We just stand in silence for a bit, but not just Natsu and I, I mean everyone. Most people are staring back and forth looking at resemblance, and the ones that aren't just look shocked. I end the silence.

"Uh.. I know you probably don't believe me.. I-I didn't believe it at first.. but it's true.." I stutter for some reason. Just nerves I guess.

"H-how did you find out?" He asks. I smile because he hasn't laughed or called me insane. Maybe he does believe me.

"Well, it's sort of a long story.." I start.

"I have lots of time." He smirks. We walk to a quieter area, while Lucy, Levy, Erza, Gray, and Happy follow us.

"Alright." He says and I start my story.

"One night I had a dream, but it wasn't a normal dream. It was sort of like a message in a dream, but anyway it was from The Fire Dragon Igneel." I say. Natsu seems surprised at that. Anyway I continue.

"It was really weird.. Anyway, he explained to me that he found us together in the woods, and took us in. He has us for less than a two months, when a huge storm hit! I got separated from you both and you never found me."

"Hey, one thing.. You can do magic, right?" Natsu asks.

"Y-yeah.. Fire Element Magic." I shrug.

"Is it Fire Dragon Slayer Magic?" Natsu asks excitedly.

"No, I don't think that's possible. I wasn't taught by Igneel, and I didn't use a Lacrima." I explain.

"Oh, okay.. How long ago did you get the dream message?" He asks.

"Its been a month or so." I say.

"Okay." He says

"D-do you wanna know anything else...?" I ask quietly. I look towards the ground, waiting for an answer.

"Yeah. When you got separated from Igneel and I, where did you go?" He asks, seeming concerned.

"W-well I don't really remember because I was so young. My earliest memory is playing with forest animals and sleeping in trees. I must've been in the woods since I was a baby."

"Where have you been all this time Elise?" He asks, looking very interested in what I have to say.

"Well, I left the woods when I was twelve I think, and went to a near by town. I met a friend and lived with her family for a year or two, but they moved across the ocean and I wanted to stay. Then I got a job and rented my own apartment, for two years. Then I lost my job because the place was shut down, and had to leave my apartment. I went to another town and met another friend. I had been living with her but recently her mother passed and she had to move as well to live with her grand parents. Then I went back to the woods because it felt like home I guess. Either way I had no where else to go. Anyway that's when I had the dream." I explain.

"Oh.." He says.

"Isn't this cool Natsu! You have a long lost twin sister!!" Lucy shouts.

"We're not twins." Natsu and I say at the same time.

"You totally are though! I mean look at you!" She exclaims. Natsu and I look at each other for a minute. Yeah, I guess we're pretty similar.

"Here! I'll prove it! How old are you?" She asks both of us.

"I'm eighteen." We say at the same time.

"Okay.. Maybe we are twins.. " I say.

"Maybe." He says. We laugh, but then I feel a sneeze coming on.

"Oh my god! Guys, I advise you to watch out!" I say right before sneezing a burst of flame. Natsu steps on the patch of fire that's on the floor, and I smile innocently.

"Sorry." I laugh.

"Oh jeez.." Natsu chuckles. We all laugh, and everyone else in the Guild looks at us like we're insane. But they smile too.

Bound To Get Burned ~A Fairy Tail Fanfiction~ -Editing-Where stories live. Discover now