Chapter 4 ~Train Rides, And Travel Sickness

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Chapter 5

Natsu's POV

Ever since Elise told me that she was my sister, it's been all I can think about! I have a sister.. What a weird thought. I can't believe I only got to meet her today! Stupid storm! Although, I'm happy that I get to meet her now. I had always been missing someone, but I thought it was only Igneel that I was missing. I missed Elise too I guess, but I didn't know it. Either way, I always had Fairy Tail to be with me. She was completely alone most of the time. That must've sucked. Yeah, she had her friends that let her stay, but in the woods she must've been lonely.

"Natsu!.... Catch me a.. Fish!" Happy talking in his sleep pulls me out of my thoughts. I look to the clock and it says 5:00am. Wow, I didn't think it had been that long. Either way I'm tired, so I think I'll take a nap.

When I wake up, it's 11:30am. I wait for Happy to wake up, but he just keeps sleep talking. After a few minutes of nothing but that, the doors open, and Lucy, Levy, and Elise walk inside.

"Hey Natsu." Lucy waves.

"Hey guys!" I wave back.

"Natsu, Lucy and I have an idea." Levy smiles.

"Yeah, which they won't tell me!" Elise crosses her arms over her chest.

"Why?" I laugh.

"I have no idea." She shrugs. Lucy runs over and bends down to whisper something to me.

"Levy and I think Elise should join Fairy Tail!" Lucy says.

"Thats a great idea!" I exclaim.

"Ugh! Why would you tell Natsu, but not me!" Elise shouts.

"Oh shh. You'll know soon enough." Lucy laughs.

"Why can't we tell her? It's no big deal." Levy laughs.

"Fine! Elise, with think you should join the guild! Sound good to you?" Lucy asks, smiling.

"Really?" She asks, her face lighting up.

"Of course!" Levy smiles.

"Yeah! That'd be awesome!" Elise exclaims happily. Just then Mirajane, Elfmen, Lisana, and Cana walk in.

"Hey Mira, Levy and I think Elise should join the guild!" Lucy shouts, waving.

"Oh! That's a great idea! Where do you want your tattoo? And what colour?" Mira exclaims happily.

"Oh, uh... On my shoulder, and um... Black!" Elise says pointing to her upper right shoulder.

"Okay!" Mira smiles. Elise smiles as Mira stamps the Fairy Tail tattoo on her arm.

"Yay, I'm in Fairy Tail!" Elise shouts as she pulls Levy and Lucy into a big hug.

"Congratulations... Sis." I smile. She looks at me with a big smile on her face.

"Thanks!" She says.

"Hey, when are you gonna go on your first job?" Lucy asks.

"Oh, uh... I haven't thought of that yet. Probably today." Elise smiles excitedly.

"You should go with us!" Lucy says pointing at me. Erza, Gray, Lucy, Happy and I do have to go on a job, so yeah, Elise should come.

"Yeah, come with us. We just gotta wait for Erza and Gray." I say.

"Really? Okay!" Elise agrees happily.

"I hope Erza and Gray get here soon." Lucy sighs. As if on cue, Erza and Gray walk through the door.

"Hey guys. Elise just joined the guild, so let's all go on a job!" Lucy suggests.

"Alright, pick one then." Erza says.

"I wanna do it, I wanna do it!" I shout running towards the request board. I notice one that says there's a bunch of monsters terrorizing a town. I grab it and show it to Happy, Lucy, Erza, Gray, and Elise.

"Alright. Lets go then." Erza walks towards the exit.

"Bye Levy!" Lucy and Elise wave.

"Bye! See ya when your back!" Levy waves back. We leave the guild, and Juvia is outside.

"Hey Juvia" Elise waves.

"Hi Gray, Natsu, Erza, Lucy, Happy." Juvia smiles but doesn't answer Elise. We all wave and Elise looks confused.

"Okay, let's get going." Erza says walking ahead.

"We're gonna have to go on a train Natsu." Lucy laughs.

"Ugh! Why'd you pick that job Lucy!?" I exclaim.

"You picked it." Gray says.

"Uh... Right." I look down.

"A t-train?" Elise lowers her head.

"Yeah." I say sadly.

"Great." Elise sighs.

"What's wrong with trains Elise?" Gray asks.

"Well.. You see, I get a bit sick on transportation." She explains.

"Hey! Me too!" I exclaim, and she laughs. When we get to the train station everyone hops into the train except for Elise and I.

"Well go." I say.

"Um.. You can go first if you want." She smiles nervously.

"No, I definitely can't go first. You go." I point towards the door.

"Um... Fine." Elise narrows her eyes at me and walks on reluctantly. I follow behind. When the train starts to move, I fall on Lucy's lap, sick. Elise puts her head on Gray's shoulder, looking almost as sick as me.

"You okay Natsu? Elise?" Lucy asks. My response is just groaning and Elise's is at least understandable.

"No." She groans, and Lucy laughs.

"Wow, she's actually almost as bad as Natsu." Erza sounds surprised.

"Well, they are related." Lucy laughs. I gather myself enough to ask one question, that is apparently on Elise's mind too.

"How much longer?"

"We literally just got on the train." Gray says.

"Ugggggh." Elise and I groan. Everyone (Except Elise and I of course) talks and stuff until we get to the town, and when we do Elise and I are the first ones off.

"Oh, finally!" Elise smiles. When everyone is off the train we start to walk, and it's not long before we see why we're here.

"That is a lot of monsters." Lucy exclaims. The town is full of them.

"Well, lets get rid of them." Erza says.

"Can't wait! Lets go kick some butt!" I exclaim, hitting my fist against my other hand.

Fire appears on both my hands, Lucy pulls out her Celestial Keys, Erza re-quips into her Heaven's Wheel Armor, Gray gets ready to Ice-Make, Happy flies above, and Elise nervously does that same as me.

"Let's go!" Lucy exclaims, and we run towards our enemy.

Bound To Get Burned ~A Fairy Tail Fanfiction~ -Editing-Where stories live. Discover now