Chapter 6 ~Challenged

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Chapter 6

"What do you mean? Why would I fight you?" I ask confused.

"I will fight you for Gray-sama's love!" Juvia explains, blushing.

"What?" Gray and I say at the same time.

"You like him, and so do I. We will fight for him Elise." Juvia says calmly.

"I d-. I'm not gonna fight you!" I say. I don't like Gray... Why does she think I do? Yeah, we talk and stuff. But I... UGH!

"We must." Juvia shrugs.

"No you don't!" Natsu and Gray exclaim together. They look at each other, glare, and then look back to Juvia.

"What do you mean Gray-sama?" Juvia gives him a puzzled look.

"Why would she need to fight you? I-I don't like her." Gray shrugs, with a weird expression on his face. For some reason, when he said that I felt kinda... upset? I don't know, but it didnt feel good.

"Hmmm. Alright, I'll believe you Gray-sama." Juvia smiled, squeezing Gray in a big hug.

"Okay Juvia, youre killing me." Juvia's hug making it hard to talk.

"Sorry Gray-sama!" She smiles. She sees me looking (Like everyone else) and gives me a dirty look. She starts to walk of the other side of the guild and I don't even know what to say.

"Well that was strange." Lucy says.

"Maybe a little." I say quietly.

"She hasn't dont that in a while." Levy says.

''Yeah, last time it was Lucy.'' Gray smirks.

''We don't like you like that, so I don't know why she gets so mad.'' Lucy shrugs.

''It's love!'' Happy laughs.

''It's not love!'' Gray rolls his eyes.

''It defineatly is on her side.'' Levy says. Gajeel walks in a second later, and Levy walks over to talk to him. Gray looks down for a minute, but then Master Makarov walks next to him.¸

''Gray, I've got a favor to ask you.'' Master says.

''Alright, what's up?'' Gray asks.

''Come with me please.'' Master says, walking away, and Gray follows behind him.

''Natsu, Lucy, have you seen any houses for sale or anything?'' I ask.

''Uh... No I dont think I have.'' Lucy says.

''Hey, why don't you move into the girls dorm at Fairy Hills?'' Natsu suggests.

''Oh yeah. Levy, and Erza live there!'' Lucy exclaims.

''Hmm.. Okay! Where is it?'' I ask.

''Come on I'll show you!'' Natsu jumps up, and he, Happy, Lucy, and I head to the dorm.


''Fairy Hills girls dorm!'' Natsu exclaims when we get there.

''Wow! It looks great!'' I say.

''Can we go inside?'' I ask.

''Lucy and I can!'' Happy smiles.

''Why not Natsu?'' I ask.

''Only girls. And cats!'' Happy smiles.

''I wanna come!'' Natsu exclaims.

''Ask Erza if you can come inside.'' Lucy shrugs.

''Erza!'' Natsu shouts up at one of the windows. Erza sticks her head out the window.

''What is it Natsu?'' Erza asks.

''I told Elise she could probably live here, but I wanna come in to help her move in and stuff. Can I come in?'' Natsu shouts.

''Hmmm. Fine, but just because you're helping your sister!'' Erza says.

''Yay! C'mon Elise, Lucy, Happy!'' Natsu grabs Lucy's and my wrist, pulling us inside.

''Lucy! Eise! What's up?'' Levy comes down the stairs. She must've left the guild before us.

''Elise might move in here, so we're gonna get her a room!'' Lucy smiles.

''Yeah! I can't wait!'' I smile. ''Where are you going?''

''Oh, I'm going to train. Gajeel is making me.'' She says, blushing.

''Oh, have fun 'Training' with Gajeel.'' Lucy winks.

''Lucy! We're actually training.'' Levy laughs.

''C'mon guys! Let's get Elise a room!'' Natsu exclaims.

''Okay, bye Levy.'' I smile. Lucy waves too, and then Natsu leads us upstairs. Lucy shows us to one of Erza's five rooms, and we find Erza.

''Hello Elise, Lucy, Natsu, Happy.'' Erza waves after letting us in. We talk for a while about me moving in, and then Erza shows me to a room. I instantly love it, and I tell Erza that this is it! We do all the papers and stuff, and then I have a room in the Fairy Hills Girls Dorm!

''Thanks so much Erza!'' I smile.

''No problem. So your neighbors are Levy and myself.'' Erza explains.

''Awesome!'' I turn to see Natsu laying on the floor. ''Natsu? What are you doing?''

''I'm sleeping. You need to get a bed.'' Natsu yawns.

''Oh my. Get off the floor.'' I laugh. He sits up, and then looks out the window,

''Hey Gray! What are you doing here?'' Natsu calls out the window.

''I'm just walking. What are you doing in the girls dorm?'' Gray asks. That's my cue! I stick my head out the window, and wave.

''Hey Gray!'' I smile.

''Hey Elise! You moving in here?'' He asks, waving.

''Yup! I'm so excited!'' I laugh.

''Well I gotta go, but have fun moving in!'' He waves, walking away. ''Bye!''

''Bye Gray!'' I pull my head back inside.

''So let's go buy some furniture!!'' Lucy exclaims.

''Alright! Come on Natsu, Happy!'' I say, walking out of my room. Once everyon has goten out, I lock the door with my new key.

''Erza, do you wanna come?'' I ask.

''I'm sorry, I have some buisness to attend to. Have fun.'' Erza waves, and walks away.

''Okay, let's go!'' I smile, walking down the stairs, with Lucy, Natsu, and Happy following behind.

Bound To Get Burned ~A Fairy Tail Fanfiction~ -Editing-Where stories live. Discover now