✪𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟓✪

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"Its from Rafe" i say oepening his message
Rafe: party tonight at my place open invite
I show the messave to sarah and everyone else
"ohh yeah pa-artay" i say
They all look at me blankley
"What?" i ask
"i dont know y/n its rafe"
"yeah but jts sarahs house too" i say
"She has a point" pope says
"Oook ill text back asking what time"
What time?
Alrightly ill be there

"Ok 6:30 guys" i say
"we are going to go get ready" i say making my way to kies with sarah
We arrive and start getting ready whilst getting ready singing and dancing a d we cecide to go instagram live and JJ,Pope,Topper,John B and 76 more users joined
I just walk them through my makeup look

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"And that's it" I say
"Okay I'm going to end the live I'll hopefully see you all there" I say blowing a kiss and ending the live
" Okay I'm just going to put my dress on guys" I say going into kies bathroom

"And that's it" I say "Okay I'm going to end the live I'll hopefully see you all there" I say blowing a kiss and ending the live " Okay I'm just going to put my dress on guys" I say going into kies bathroom

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The dress
I come out in my completed outfit and kie and Sarah hype me up, they both go get changed and come out in their dresses

The dress I come out in my completed outfit and kie and Sarah hype me up, they both go get changed and come out in their dresses

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Sarah's outfit

Sarah's outfit

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Kies outfit

"OMG you both look so amazing" I say
"Let's go outside and take a photo" I say placing my phone up
"Quick let's take a photo" I say holding my phone up because we have to be there in 5 minutes

The photo "Cuteee" we al, say and make our way to Sarah's and Rafe's house for the party We arrive at the party and kie and Sarah both go to find the boys "Ok I'm just going to go get a drink then" I say about to get myself a drink when Rafe spots...

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The photo
"Cuteee" we al, say and make our way to Sarah's and Rafe's house for the party
We arrive at the party and kie and Sarah both go to find the boys
"Ok I'm just going to go get a drink then" I say about to get myself a drink when Rafe spots me
"HEY Y/N over here" he shouts I wave at him and get myself a red cup and pour myself an drink
*Rafe's pov:*
As im just taking with topper i notice y/n walk in wnd shes wearing a sparkly silver dress which shows of her body curves perfectly and her hair looks so soft i look up to her face to see some little gems god she looks so perfect
I get up wnd walk towards her
*☆Y/N's POV:☆*
rafe walk over and smilez at me
"Hey" he says
"Hi Rafe"
"Y/n you look stunning" he sahs making me blush
"not too bad yourself" i say
"Hey come join us and play cup pong" Rafe says leading the way
"hey guys this is y/n" Rafe says and they all wave
"Ok teams" rafe says
"Me and Rafe" kelce says
"Looks like its me and you top" i say smiling at him
Me and topper go to the oppostite side of the table and ik up first to have to drink
"Each player gets 3 goes" Rafe says
"im glad you have rafe he never misses" topper says
"awh thanks top" i say pattjng him on the shoulder
Rafe get his 3 ping pong balls ready he throws the first one and get it in i pick up the cup and smell it
Pure vodka
"What type of gane is this" i sah laughing
I start to chug tbe vodka and hear everyine chanting "chug chug chug chug" when i finsih i hold the cup upside down and pull a sour face
Rafe just laughs and claps
Ok Rafe still has 2 more goes and i already feel wiped out
Rafe throws the ball and it lands into a cup of gin and tonic
"ok ok thats better" i say holding my cup up and guzzling it
"l-last go make it count rafe" starting to struggke with my words
He throws his last ball and it lands kn another cup of vodka
"NO" i say putting my hands to my face abd then grabbing the cup
"cheers" i say guzzling it and pulling another sour face and coughing
"Myyy Goooo" i say smiling
There are tbree cups of vodma on each side and im aimjng to get it in all three
"Ready rafe?" i say
"of course" he says smiling
I throw one of the ping pong balls and it lands in the vodka
"Yes" I say jumping and I high five topper
I proceed to do all my goes and topper is on his last go and they only have one more cup left to get until we win and at this point we are both pretty wasted
"You got this top" I say hyping him up
Topper throws the ball and get it in everyone who was sat down near us they all got up and cheered and patted topper on the back
Me and top both jump up and down together
"You looooseeee" I say in a signing tone and do a high high five with topper and hug him
Rafe then gets jealous
Suddenly I'm swept up of my feet by kelce and he starts chanting
"SWIM SWIM SWIM SWIM" and everyone else joins in
I'm laughing until I remember what my makeup is covering
"Kelce put me down" I say sternly
"Have a little fun" he says rocking me
Rafe doesnt do anything but stand there are laugh
"KELCE PUT ME DOWN" I say shouting
"If you say so" he says swinging and throwing me into the I scream as he let me go
"KELCEEEEE!!" I shout and make a splash in the pool I come up for air and I get straight out of the pool covering my head
"Good one kelce"I say walking past him with my head still down
Hey y/n where are you going?" Rafe says grabbing my arm
"Let go rafe" I say still not looking at him
I manage to get out of his grip and make it to the door I open it but he manages to stop me this time I look at him
"R-rafe please ket me go" I say sobbing
*☆Rafes pov:*
As i caught up with her i grabbed her arm and she faced to look at me i coundnt understand why she was so upset until she looked at me her face,arms and neck were covered in bruises
"Y/n" i say
"What what happend to you" at this point I had let go of her arm before she could reply to me kelce came running over
"Hey y/n I'm sorry if I upset you I didn't mean to-" kelce says stopping when he sees y/n's face
*Y/n's pov:*
"It's fine kelce it's not your fault" I say walking away from them and hear rafe call my name i look back for a quick second and turn back and i jog to the bathroom and i pick up my bag off the couch on my way there.
I get i to thr bathroom dry my face off and my hair also my dress and start re applying my makeup
Just as i fished i hear a knock at the door
"Just a minute" i say as i add my lip gloss pose in the mirror amd open the door to see Rafe standing there
"Oh" i say walking past him
"Y/n please"
"What what do you want rafe" i say wanting to be left alone
"I just wamt to know what hapened" he says following me as i eventually find sarah
"SARAH" i say wavimg at her rafe gave up following me and went to find topper
I go to sarah and we talk for abit and get a coupple more drinks
"Im goimg to go get another drink" i say shouting over the music
"OkAyyY" sarah says
I walk up to the house and walk in and get a drink no suprise seeing rafe badially camping there waiting for me this guy
I roll my eyes walk past him amd get a lemonade with vodka as im pouing rafe stands next to me
"So tell me" rafe says
I stop what im doing and turn to look at him and whisper
"Listen rafe now is not the time to bring this up so id really appriciate it if you left me alone!" I say slowly raisng my voice
I grab my drink and walk away

A coupple hours later everyone starts to leave and just left in the house is me sarah and rafe
"RAFE" "RAFE" sarah shouts
"WHAAAAAT" he says walking into the kitchen noticing me
"y/n is staying here so be nice" she says
"Ok" he says
*me and Sarah go upstairs to her room*

RAFE x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now