✪𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟕✪

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I wake up but my eyes are still closed and then i feel a vibrate on the bed i open my eyes and check what it was
It was My alarm, sarah was still sound asleep
I quickly turn it off climb out of sarahs bed,walk over to where my purse was and take my makeup bag from inside it. I tiptoe across the landing and into the bathroom opposite Sarahs room i lock the door and stand by the mirror i rummage through my makeup bag and i find my blue pokadot headband and start to cover up all my bruises and cuts by layering on concelar,foundation,foundation syrum anything that wouldnt mame them visable, afger around 15 minutes i had finished doing the base of my makeup i think about what makeup look i shoud go for and i decide to go with a natural ish look

 I tiptoe across the landing and into the bathroom opposite Sarahs room i lock the door and stand by the mirror i rummage through my makeup bag and i find my blue pokadot headband and start to cover up all my bruises and cuts by layering on concel...

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The makeup look
Affer finishing all my makeup i put some lipgloss on. I pack away all my makeup and tiptoe back across into sarahs room and i see that she has just woke up
"hey y/n" she says in a sleepy voice
"hey sar" i say
"omg y/n i totally forgot to tell you but tommorrow i booked us some tickets FOR THE OBX FESTIVAL!"
she says now fully awake
"WHAT NO WAY!!!" i jump up and down excitedly and me and sarah both scream causing a certain someone to appear
"what are you guys doing it 7 in the morning" Rafe says looking at us
"what a way to kill our moment rafe" i say sarcasticly
"we are going to the obx festival tomorrow" sarah says
"no way i am too im going with topper and kelce. Are you guys camping?" rafe says
"Hell yes we are" sarah says
"OMGGG yay! This is gojng to be so fun sar!" i say smiling then i hear a buzz from my phone only to look at it for my smile to fade
"Y/n i have some bad news call me"
I sigh
"what is it y/n?"
"Oh it just my dad he says hes got some bad news to tell me" i say
"ill be right back" i say walking past rafe and outside to where there pool is
I swipe the phone to answer his call
"hey dad whats up?" i say
"Hey y/n" he says in a soft and croaky voice
"Hey are you ok?" I say
"Y/n I'm in the hospital" he says
"Omg dad a-are you ok?" I say
"Listen y/n I'll be fine but I just wanted to say I'm really really sorry about these last couple of years I didn't take your mothers death really well"
"I'm being sent to rehab for 5 years" he says
"Dad i have nowhere to go i cant stay somewhere for 5 YEARS thats a really big thing! I say rasing my voice
*Rafes Pov:*
Me and sarah walk into the kitchen to see y/n outside on the phone to her dad raisjng her voice at him
"what do you think they are talking about?" I ask sarah
"no clue" she says throwing a grape into her mouth
*Y/n's pov:*
"Y/n ive sold the house and i bought you one closer to the beach its a little near ward camerons house, i think youll like it" he says and i get a message with a picture of the house

 Are you guys camping?" rafe says "Hell yes we are" sarah says "OMGGG yay! This is gojng to be so fun sar!" i say smiling then i hear a buzz from my phone only to look at it for my smile to fade Dad:"Y/n i have some bad news call me" I sigh "what ...

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RAFE x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now