✪𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟔✪

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"Hey I think we should watch a movie" Sarah says giving me a big smile
"OMG yes OFC!!" I say
"I'll just go get changed into my pjs" I say
"Oh yeah sure I'm going to go get changed too" Sarah says
I walk across to the bathroom across from Sarah's bedroom and change into some pjs

into"Hey I think we should watch a movie" Sarah says giving me a big smile "OMG yes OFC!!" I say "I'll just go get changed into my pjs" I say "Oh yeah sure I'm going to go get changed too" Sarah says I walk across to the bathroom across from Sarah...

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I look into the mirror and decide to do something with my hair

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I look into the mirror and decide to do something with my hair

I push a little bit of hair back, pick up my clothes and open the bathroom door and walk back into sarahs bedroom "hey y/n what movie should we watch" she asks holding the remote up to the tv scrolling through netflix "hmmm im not sure you pick" i...

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I push a little bit of hair back, pick up my clothes and open the bathroom door and walk back into sarahs bedroom
"hey y/n what movie should we watch" she asks holding the remote up to the tv scrolling through netflix
"hmmm im not sure you pick" i say climbing into sarahs bed
"o o o" "what about the notebook" she says looking at me
"ooo sure!" i say smiling as i look at the tv
me and sarah had been watching the movie and were 40 minutes in when i see sarah sound asleep next to me letting out little snores i turn off the tv and try to get some sleep
After 5 minutes of tossing and turning I decide to climb out of Sarah's bed to go get a drink
I tiptoe across her landing and down the stairs making sure to be quiet, I walk into the kitchen yawning covering my mouth and stretching my arms
"Someone's tired" someone says and I look over to see rafe
"What are you doing" I ask him
"i coukd ask you the same thing" he says smirking
"couldnt sleep" i say shrugging and walking to a cabinet and getting a glass and turning on the tap filling the glass with water taking a sleep
"y/n" he says catching my attention
"Rafe" i say and he comes a little closer
"tell me please" he says giving me a comforting look
"telk you what?" i say acting confused
"you know what y/n dont act dumb with me" he says glairing at me
I take another sip of water wiping my face and jumping to sit onto her counter letting my legs dangle down
"Answer me" he says slightly getting annoyed
I dont say anythjng and stop looking at him and look down, my eyes start filling with tears
"y/n please talk to me" he says softly
I look back up at him and slide off the counter looking up at him. God he is so tall. He cups my face and looks at me softly.
"Please" he says
I itch at my makeup and rubbing my face "god this is so irritating" I say dragging a hand down my face
"What's up?" Rafe says
"This makeup it irritating my skin and i need to take it off but i cant"
"why cant you take it off?" he says
"Because" i say shrugging
"listen y/n you can take your makeup off i know whats already there" he says comforting me "here come with me" he says, Rafe leads me to the bathroom and grabs a wash cloth and runs it under the tap making it damp
"close your eyes" he says
I close my eyes and feel the wash cloth wipe my face
"Omg that feels so much better already" I say
*☆Rafes POV:☆*
as she closed her eyes i gently wiped her face washing the makeup off revealing all her cuts and bruises i hold in my sigh my lips parting i wipe off all the rest of her makeup and dry her face off
"All done" i say
*Y/n's POV:*
I open my eyes to be facing rafe
"thank you" i say turning to look in the mirror, my smile immediatly drops when i see

" im sorry y/n im so so sorry" Rafe says I turn around to look at Rafe "it's not your fault" I say Rafe looks down and runs a hand through his hair "Rafe look at me don't stress I'm fine it's nothing I'm not used to-" I say watching as he looks up...

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" im sorry y/n im so so sorry" Rafe says
I turn around to look at Rafe "it's not your fault" I say
Rafe looks down and runs a hand through his hair
"Rafe look at me don't stress I'm fine it's nothing I'm not used to-" I say watching as he looks up quickly
"Y/n what happened" he says
"Okay I'll tell you let's just go back to the kitchen" I say walking and jumping onto the counter
"Okay so you know when I woke up at your place" I say and Rafe just nods "well yeah so I was late to uhm" I say pausing taking a deep breathe "I-I uhm didn't make it in time and my uh- my dad he got upset with me" I say pointing to my face "and uh then he kicked me out" I say shrugging
I pick up my glass of water and drink the rest of it
He stays silent for a while then all the thoughts rush back to me causing me to sob
Then rafe quickly looks back up  his attention back on me He doesn't say anything and hugs me
I yawn breaking the hug and then I'm suddenly swept off my feet and rave carry's me back to Sarah's room and tucks me in
"Night y/n" he says placing a small kiss on my forehead
"Night Rafe" I say smiling at him and as I say that he smiles and walks to him room

RAFE x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now