✪𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟗✪

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A few hours later the party had died down and at this point i cant think straight and im struggling to walk back to the couch where sarah,kie,JJ,Pope,John B,Rafe, kelce and topper are all sitting
*☆Y/N's POV*
"For fuck sake y/n look at you" - kie says dragging a hand across her face
I look at kie strangley struggling to make out what she had said
"uhm y-yeahh oka-ay kie you,you do that" i say shrugging snd sitting down near rafe i take another sip from my can
"How much have you had y/n" sarah says giggling with kie
"ok y/n thats enough" rafe says reaching over and grabbing my can from me
"E-EXxUse ME?" i say absaloutly flabbergasted im about to say something else
"so y/n you and rafe?" sarah says giggling i look over to rafe and i swing my arm around him
"ohh yeah my babe right here" i say giving him a quick kiss on his cheek
"oh my god y/n!!" kie says loosing her shit and laughing with jj and pope
Rafe gets up from where he is sitting and grabs a bottled water from the fridge,he comes back and hands my the bottle
"drink" he says in a soft tone
"A-anything for you Rafey" i say taking a few sips from the bottle
"oh guys you can all stay here for tonight if you would like" i say exitidly
"ofc you too babe" i say looking at Rafe and winking
Rafe bursts out laughing with kelce
"what?" i say confused
"oh nothing" Rafe says
I roll my eyes and walk away and go to the bathroom i get to the bathroom and look into the mirror and see my lipstick slightly messy to i touch it up abit wipe under my eyes to get rid of any excess mascara and walk back to find everyone outside and jumping into the pool
"hElOoo???"i say slightly excited
"Y/N COME JOIN US" JJ says, I walk outside and stand by the edge of the pool
"Y/n get in!!" Sarah says wrapping her arms around JB, I look over and see rafe which makes my smile softly
"Ok ok I say BUT only NOBODY I mean NOBODY splash my face" I say smiling
"Ok ok" they all say and nod
I take off my heels and tie my hair up in a messy bun, I walk to the small stars and climb down them squealing at the coldness of the water
"Oh oh oh it's so cold" I say breathing in and out heavily and I stand up in the shallow end for abit trying to get used to the temperature. I start to walk out to the deeper bit of the pool and I'm on my tiptoes.
Y/n comes deeper into the water and is in reaching distance, i grab her by her waist and pull her in closer and she wraps her hands around my neck for security and as she does so she smiles big with her rosey cheeks avoiding getting her face wet
*Y/N'S POV:*
I have my arms around rafes neck and he has his slithered around my waist holding me tight and i cant help but to look at him,hes so godamn pretty
"your so pretty Rafe" i say smiling watching as he blushes
Before he can say anything sarah is shouting "GUYS WE SHOULD PLAY CHIKEN" she says jumping onto JB'S shoulders
"OMG YES come here JJ" kie says
I slowly look at Rafe giving him a small smiley smirk
"Rafeeeee" I say pleading
He looks at me with a small smile "oh yeah we're so gonna win this" he says
"YAY" I scream and jump at him and wrap my arms around him and jump onto his shoulders, rafe grabs my legs to keep me sturdy as he walks over to Sarah and JB
Kelce,topper and pope are referring
"ON YOUR MARKS" kelce says
"GET SET" topper says
"GO" Pope says
Me and Sarah grab ahold of each other trying to unbalance each other Sarah grabs my arm and pushes it making me wobble slightly as I catch my balance she grabs my other one pushing it again making my wobble and fall off Rafe's should and into the water I go.
As I come back to the surface I can hear everyone laughing and I burst out laughing too wiping my hair out of my face to turn to rafe who's smile faded as I look at him and suddenly remember
"Shit" I say
"Hey y/n whats that?" Topper says pointing at my face
"Oh nothing top just my smudged makeup" I say and jumping to the pool wall and lifting myself up and making my way inside leaving a trail of water from being in the pool with my dress. I go into the bathroom when I hear Sarah shout
"Hey y/n me kie, me and JB are all going to go home I'll cya later IT WAS SO FUN!" Sarah says
"CYA SARAH" I say shouting from the bathroom and I hear the door slam shut a while later I hear top,kelce and pope so I come out the bathroom and hug them all goodbye as they leave thankfully nobody else questioning my face. I go upstairs to change into something else

After getting changed i also put on some fluffy socks and tie my hair up in a messy bun and i start walking back downstairs to see the mess and i just let my head drop into my hands when i hear a noise in the kitchen

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After getting changed i also put on some fluffy socks and tie my hair up in a messy bun and i start walking back downstairs to see the mess and i just let my head drop into my hands when i hear a noise in the kitchen. I grab the nearest item which for me is a random red cup. I go jnto the kitchen cautiously turning the corner and someone pops out at me. I scream really loud and throw the cup befire i can process who it is.
"RAFE" oh god you scared me so much i say with a hand on my chest
Rafe is nearly on the floor with laughter
"whats so funny" i say scowling at him
Rafes struggling to get his words outin between all his laughter
He starts to make my laugh and were now both nearly on the floor each of us adding to the joke and now my rib cage hurt i laughed so hard and i have small tear in my eye from laughimg
We both collect ourselves and take a deep breathe
"sorry i didnt mean to scare you y/n" rafe says softly
"i guess ill cya later then" rafe says
"nooo stay pleaseeeeee" i say pleading towards him
"are you sure?" he asks
"ofcourse i am rafey" i say grabbing his hand and taking him with me to my room
"lets watch a movieeee" i say excitidly as i jump onto my bed and rafe climbs in and i snuggle up to him and lay on his chest looking up to him to see him smiling big

 "RAFE" oh god you scared me so much i say with a hand on my chest Rafe is nearly on the floor with laughter "whats so funny" i say scowling at himRafes struggling to get his words outin between all his laughterHe starts to make my laugh and were ...

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"what movie" i say turning on my TV and scrolling hmm how about the notebook? I say smiling
"sure" he says

40 minuts in to the movie
Im still watching the movie and i hear some small snoring noises and i look down to see y/n asleep i play with her hair a little and place a kiss on her forehead. I turn off the TV and snuggle up with y/n wrapping my arms around her.


Sorry i havent updated this story in a while, im not sure what to think of this part??
Also lmk if you want me to include smut 😛 bc yeah liKe you ask and you shall recive
This includes like unedited work it was rushed and i needed to add a part
love you all ❤️❤️

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