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Ok, so these are the rules for requests and stuff like that

1. No ships involving adults and minors, incest, anyone under 11, or anything like that. Smut will not be allowed under any circumstances. Tiffabelle (Tiffany x Isabelle), Jeric (Jasmine x Eric), and Devola (Devon x Layla) (Older) are fine. If you would like to see Kaitlyn get together with one of her crushes, that's fine too. Tiffward (Edward x Tiffany) will only be allowed in the context of Tiffany escaping or something like that. Nothing romantic. 

2. Kidnapping and torture will be allowed, but nothing too graphic.

3. I will allow crossovers and merging and AUs. I love writing it!

4. Please state the ages you want the character(s) to be. If you don't, it will be defaulted to their canon age

Ch1ff0nTheK1tsun3, you can request one shots with your characters if you want

I will do angst, fluff, death, mysteries, almost anything. In order to make a request, tell me which characters you want and what kind you want it to be. Also, if you could tell me what you want the oneshot to be called, please do!

Updates will be slow so be patient

List of characters you can request for stories (and their relationship with Bill):

Eugene Greene (Never met, no relation)
Isabelle Greene (Dating his daughter Tiffany)
Tiffany Cipher (daughter)
Jasmine Cipher (daughter)
Layla Cipher (daughter)
Luna Greene-Cipher (granddaughter)
Kaitlyn Greene-Cipher (granddaughter)
Stephanie Greene-Cipher (granddaughter)
Steven Greene-Cipher (grandson)
Riley Greene-Cipher (granddaughter)
Trevor Cipher (grandson)
Ash Cipher (grandchild)
Alice Cipher (granddaughter)
Juliet Cipher (granddaughter)
Oliver Cipher (grandson)
Eric Watson (Dating Jasmine)
Devon Blackberry (marries Layla in the future)
Edward Higgins (Tiffany's evil ex-boyfriend, hates him)
Sophie Rosemary (Kaitlyn's crush, never met)
Ivy Satin-Pepper (Kaitlyn's crush, met once)

Cipher family oneshots Where stories live. Discover now