chapter 3 - Take off your clothes

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Y/n's lips trembled but she could not speak; she stared at the old lady for a moment;

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Y/n's lips trembled but she could not speak; she stared at the old lady for a moment;

''I… I just took my bath. ''

She explained; pursing her lips.

''I'm sure you don't want me to repeat myself. ''

Lee mimi said, raising her brows. Y/n  bowed her head low and turned towards the bathroom; the maids looked at her with pity as though she was a lamb taken to be slaughtered; they could only imagine what evil she must have done to their boss to attract his venom.

After taking her bath; the elderly lady pointed at some specific lotions on her vanity table; and she applied it; after which, a maid dried her hair, and after applying a sweet-smelling oil; let it fall to her back. A light makeup was applied to her face which stressed her beauty, but beauty was the last thing she wanted that night.

After her makeup was applied, she was given the basket;

''Put those on and follow me. ''

Lee mimi instructed; Y/n stared at the basket for a moment; his lips thinned into a straight line; inhaling sharply, she took out the long purple robe. She was already putting on lingerie, so when she tied the robe, it covered her whole.

A maid helped her pull her hair from under the robe.

Her heart slammed against her chest as she was led upstairs. When they approached the second floor, the three maids turned and went back downstairs; although they didn't provide any safety, she was more scared now that she was left alone with Lee mimi. Lee mimi led her to the third floor and Y/n was stunned; it was as though the third floor was a different house altogether. In contrast with the bright colors and furniture in the first two floors, the third floor was monochrome_ black and white; there were dark paintings on the wall which sent chills down her spine;

Everywhere was so quiet that she could hear the echoes of their footsteps on the floor; Lee mimi suddenly stopped by a large door at the end of the long hall, and she knocked lightly; there was no sound from the other side, she took her time and knocked again;

''Come in.''

She remembered his voice, it was impossible to scrape the sound of it from her memories. Lee mimi pushed open the door and led her inside;

As expected; his room was black and white too, and it was vast. There were many partitions in the room; Y/n accessed her surroundings briefly;

There was a black curtain covering the glass wall which faced the east; he had a mini parlor in his room and there were so many dark drawings on the wall, and in the middle of the large room was the enormous king bed.

Y/n's eyes fell on Jungkook, who was sitting on a couch on the east, just beside the glass wall; he had his eyes glued on her as he inhaled a cigar; she noticed that there were about five cigarette butts on the glass tray sitting on a stool beside him.

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