✪ 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟾 ✪

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I must have slept in a weird position because my whole body ached when I regained consciousness. My body was still numb but I could think somewhat clearly, the first thing I did was to try to examine the room I woke up in.

Memories from last evening started to flood my mind when I realized I was not in my room. I had never made it back to the tower.

It was a small cube-shaped room that I was in. Everything was made out of concrete, except the old and dirty mattress I laid on. There was, what I guessed worked as a toilet, next to me. But no sink.

When my body and mind were fully functional I felt the raw cold, it was as cold as in a freezer.

Nat had told me how to handle these situations in one of my lessons, one time when I was too sick to train. The memory had started to fade but I tried I remember what she would want me to do.

I stood up and took a closer look around the room, moving as much as possible to keep myself warm. The door did not have any handle and there was no window, so it was impossible for me to get out or even look at my surroundings. It could either be the middle of the night or lunchtime by now.

After what I assumed was half a day, the thick door opened. A tall and muscular man dressed all in black walked in and my eyes were immediately drawn to the gun in his holster and later to the skull-with-tentacles-symbol on his uniform.


Why did they have me, how did they know who I am and how was I taken? The diner was the last place that I remembered, and Grant's smile. I started to put two and two together but was Grant not a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent? Or was he undercover in favor of Hydra, that could explain why he just appeared in my usually hidden life and was so keen to get to know me better.

"Stand up" the man ordered me. I did not dare not obey him, so I stood up from the mattress as quickly as my body could manage, afraid that my knees would give in. He was quick to tie my hands behind my back with a thick rope, which would be impossible to get out of since he tied it very hard.

He then yanked me forcefully by my arm and led me out of the room. We walked in a jumble of identical grey corridors.

The longer we walked, the closer the screams got and unfortunately for me, we stopped in the corridor where the horrifying sounds were the loudest.

Behind the large door which I stood in front of, was a room shaped like a circle with chairs against its wall. More men dressed in black were there and they all seemed to be guarding a man in somewhat normal clothes.

"Oh, what a pleasure to finally meet you Samantha" the normal-looking man exclaimed with a grin plastered on his face. "Please sit" he hinted at the lonely chair in the middle of the room, it was cast into the floor and surrounded by lighting as if it was a photo shot. The guard still behind me undid my hands and pushed me forward, almost making me trip over my own feet.

"Who are you" I spat out, taking a step in his direction. Every guard in the room took up their gun and pointed it at me. I did not get more than an appeal as an answer from the man, to take a seat in the chair.

"Why am I here?" I plucked up the courage to ask when I had sat down. The guards had lowered their weapons but kept an intense eye on me as their boss walked over to where I sat. He bent over me and the air around me was immediately poisoned by his foul breath. "We have a mutual friend you and I" his voice was right by my ear, "a certain soldier whom I want back."


"And you see, I came to the realization that instead of just taking him and losing many men in the process. I could trade with your dear father" his crystal blue eyes pierced mine. "A child for a child" a wicked laugh came from him.

Keeping Secrets | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now