✪ 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟷 ✪

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Samantha's point of view

Bucky was asleep in a chair next to the bed I woke up in, the room was completely dark but soon I figured it was the med bay.

His dark hair was not as fluffy as it normally is, now hanging in stripes over his eyes. He slept peacefully and did not make any sound.

I focused my sight on my boyfriend, taking him all in as my brain and body started to wake up. It must have been over a week since I last saw him and all I wanted to do was to have him close to me, to hug me and tell me all of my pain would go away.

A few minutes later I could more clearly hear the buzzing from the monitors around me. But I could also feel every cut and punch on my body, burning like fire on my skin and I was unable to do anything to put it out.

The heart monitor's steady and low beeping was switched to a stronger and very arhythmic sound.

Bucky woke up at the sudden change of noise and lit up for a second when he saw that I was awake. His smile dropped when he felt my burning forehead, "Jesus, honey. You are burning." As he was turning to press the emergence button I grabbed his flesh arm, "I am fine, I promise. Please, just hold me" I had not spoken a word in several days but thankfully my throat was not hurting like it did the last time I was awake.

After he considered what was right or not, he carefully crawled up next to me in the small hospital bed and put his arm around me. I laid my head against his chest and breathed in his scent, "How long was I asleep for?" I asked him. "Just a few days" he mumbled into my head, "everything will be fine now" he continued, but I did not know who of us he said it to.

My eyelids got heavier and I fell asleep to Bucky whisper sweat nonsense to me while holding me as close as possible to his body.

"Jarvis, disable the sound and picture recording for the med bay," Bruce told the AI when walking into the room. I perked up at his weird order and tried to sit up in the bed. "What is going on?" I asked him, a hint of fear in my voice. I also noticed that Bucky was no longer by my side.

"I only want you to have a little bit of privacy and I do not want your dad to listen to everything" he answered with a bit of sadness in his tone, which only made the knot that had just begun in my stomach, even worse.

I kept quiet and let Bruce take my blood once more, check my breathing and care for my wounds. The previously very big and dark purple swelling by my left eye had almost gone back to normal and my neck would only get a thin scar and would not be very difficult to cover up.

"I only have a couple of questions before I am done" he seemed nervous. "Yes, of course," I replied politely.

It took a couple of seconds before Bruce's hands stopped shaking, "were you raped?" his questions hit me like the Hydra soldiers' punches. "No" my voice shaky and I started to worry why he would come to that conclusion.

"Thank God, I only had to rule that one out. Now I thankfully have to look up another possibility" he breathed out, "it does not match with how long you were there and-" he stopped in the middle of his sentence and sat down in the same chair as Bucky sat in last night.

"Did you experience flashes of nausea before you were taken?" I thought back to when I as soon as I had woken up next to Bucky in my bed, I had run to the bathroom. "yes, but not as extreme as the ones I have had recently."

"When I first saw your hormone levels I thought you were having a miscarriage, but I-" Now I interrupted him, "a what" I stuttered out.

"Well, I do not think it is one I only want to tell you about my thought process" silent tears fell down my cheeks and Bruce's voice faded into the ringing sound that filled my ears.

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