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Trails of tears dripped down my cheeks to my neck as I stared at samchon's body that was now completely cleaned of blood. He looked peaceful, if it wasn't for the large bruise on the side of his face.
A palm pressed against my mouth as I let out loud sobs, falling to my knees. The worker standing in front of me gave me looks of pity while I cried my heart out.
This was not how it was supposed to go.
I knew who did this, or rather who asked to do this. But in this moment, the tears did not contain any rage or fury, they rather contained my endless misery.
Could it have been because of me? Was I really that hapless or misfortunate? First, it was my mother and now it was samchon. Somehow, people around me always get hurt. And it's all because of me.
With all strength left in me, I collected myself, though it was really hard to do so. I stood up with the help of the worker standing there, who lent me a hand out of pity.
Walking out of the room, my gaze fell on Cha-Young, who was sitting on one of the metal chairs set in the hallway. My eyes filled with more tears when I took in her state.
She looked absolutely miserable, staring into a distance with her red face. Collecting myself by taking in deep breaths, I gulped down the uneasiness stuck in my throat like a painful lump. I needed to be strong. I needed to be strong for her.
As quietly as I could, I walked forward and sat down beside her. She noticed my presence but still stayed quiet, not even turning to look at me.
I sighed, placing my hand on hers. "Have you eaten?" I quietly asked her, hoping to not startle her by speaking much loudly. She slowly shook her head, her gaze stuck on the depressing white hospital wall in front of us. "Do you want to?" I asked again, and she shook her head again.
I nodded in understanding, placing a hand on her shoulder, patting her lightly in a failed attempt to comfort her.
"I was going to apologize, you know?" She spoke out of the blue, making me turn my head in her direction. She slowly turned to my side to face me, her face getting even redder as new tears formed in her dark eyes. "I really was going to apologize."
"I know, sweetie." I patted her back, making her break down again. It had took me hours to calm her down before I even got to express my own sadness, but who can blame her? What I said to her had become true. It killed me to even find out that Cha-Young was on her way to apologize to Uncle Hong, but he was long gone before she could— so I could not even imagine what she must be going through right now.
"What do I do, Hajoon-a?" She sobbed, and I pulled her into me. She buried her face in my chest, letting out loud cries of misery. I caressed her hair, my own tears falling out of my eyes at seeing her like this. "Abeoji." She cried. "How could this happen?"