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Aryun's POV

A few days later, i finally had changed schools. A total new school for me to go. I was excited yet sad because i had to leave my previous school for some shitty people.
I was nervous, actually. Was thinking if there would be people who'd bully me as well. The point of changing schools would be worthless if so.

After taking breakfast i was ready to go. My dad took me to school since it was the first day. To encourage me, of course. My parents always had supported me from the very first. Without them, i couldnt get rid of the bullys.

"Take care, Yun. Make sure to make good friends instead of staying quiet by yourself, got it?" he said as i nodded and finally went inside.
It was surely a pretty school. everyone seemed to be very courteous.
Some were walking with their friends, some were listening to music and reading books, and so on. People kept minding their own business as i was all alone.

"Eyo Minji what's up?" someone came up to me and held my shoulder from behind. I was startled. I looked behind with a confused face.

"Oh- i'm sorry wrong person- you look like my friend from behind so yea-" she said. "Oh i see.. Do you know where class G is?" i asked as i didnt know where it was.
"Oh you're from class G? I'm from there too! We're in the same class. You must be new today" she said as she smiled at me.
"Yeah.. I'm new. It's my first day in here, what's your name by the way?" i asked.

"Jia, what about you?" she asked back as we started walking.
"Aryun, happy to meet you." i said as i smiled. "Why did you transfer out of nowhere? It's like the middle of the year." she asked.
"It's some personal issues going on in my previous school so i had to leave it, i never wanted to, though." i said as i sighed.
"Will you be able to catch up with your studies? I hope so" she said as i nodded. "I will eventually, im sure."

As we walked to our class, there were people. Yes, there were people. I was very nervous of people. I wanted to go home immediately. I couldn’t anyway.

The boys along with the girls were having a glance at me as i sat down near the window.
"Hey Aryun, don't just sit there quietly." jia said as she came to me.
"Won't you make friends?" she asked. "Im quite nervous right now so maybe later, thanks haha-" i said as i smiled.
"Let me sit with you today~" she said as she sat next to me.

"Jia, i wanna ask something." i said as she looked at me curiously. "Spill it"
"Are there like.. Any bullies in here?" i asked straightly as she shook her head a no.
"You'll barely find bullies in here, atleast there arent any in class G. We're safe!" she said as i sighed. "The guys are also nice in here, a little flirty, though. But they wouldnt be bothering you too much~" i smiled at her, she was a whole vibe.

"Let me tell you about the people in here," she started.
"There you seeing, the girl talking to that guy, is minji who i was talking about. The guy is Wonsung, one of the class monitors." she pointed at the two.
"I see,"

"Yeah and you see that girl with glasses sitting and doing homeworks probably, she's Hyeri, one of the toppers, you could guess already. I'm not a nice student, but i try my best to improve myself" she said.

"Me neither, but i don't try enough to be a good one. I'm weak at maths- i hate maths. Also i don't like chemistry either." i said as she chuckled.
"I despise maths too, what a coincidence"

"Hey, who's this, jia?" Minji came to us and asked, pointing at me.
"Oh, she's a new student, Aryun." she said as i nodded.
"Hey, Aryun, i hope it's gonna be fun being around us" she said and smiled.

I was basically flattered by them, by then. The people from my school had never treated me like that, i was so happy. Or was it just me who hadn't known how to socialize before-
Either way, i was happy to be there.

"I hope we get to know each other, too" i replied. "Oh, the teacher's coming" she said as she went to her seat.

The teacher came and we greeted him. My nervousness was gone by then, being with Jia.

"She didn't come today" i heard Jia mumbling.
"Who didn't?"

"Uh it's also one of the class monitors, she's hardly late." she said as i nodded and focused on the lecture, not caring much.

Suddenly someone came in front of the classroom. "May I come in, Sir?" said she.
The whole class looked at her, so did i.
"You may." said the teacher. I really thought that student was about to get scolded for coming late but she didnt.

She came in as everyone focused on their studies again. But i couldnt help looking at her.

"Ah, she came. The class monitor, Siwon." Jia said.

As Siwon went by us, she glanced at me with a blank expression but didnt seem to care much and went to her seat.

Yeah, it was none other than the girl i met on the cafe that day, who grabbed me. Who didn't apologise. I became sure.

I kept looking at her untill she finally sat on her seat. She caught me looking at her and gave me that annoyed look, like she gave that day. I blinked and looked away at Jia.

"Well.. I think i've seen her somewhere." i told her.
"You've seen Siwon? Thats surprising because she's barely seen except class." she said.
"Oh.. Good for her i guess,"

"Is she like, a bit rude? Doesnt she apologise when she does something wrong?" i asked.
"She doesn't care actually, i just know it. She didn't seem to be rude to people before, anyway. Why though?" she asked.

"Nothing, nevermind, i was probably just mad."

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