twenty three - ii

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( the ii part of each chapter would be about Seungho and Wonsung. )

seungho's pov

i was walking by the hallway of my uni, scrolling through my phone, looking through the next assignment i was going to submit the next day. It was well made, fortunately. I kept walking straight untill i felt a presence behind me.

"Do you perhaps want to ask me something?" i stopped walking and asked. I turned back at her. She looked like she needed help with something.

"Oh.. you knew i was behind you, my bad.. i.. Uh.." she struggled a bit to speak. I sighed and smiled at her, to warm her down.

"It's okay. Would have been better if you had not hesitated. what's the issue?"
As long as i remembered, she was not from my class. Probably a junior.

"There's this guy.. named jaejin. If i'm not wrong, is he from your class?" i nodded, wanting her to continue.

"He's been harassing me lately.."

I looked at her with a serious expression this time. She looked pretty uncomfortable about the fact. I continued listening to her.

"And.. I cant even prove it to anybody. I know, i'm really a dumbass in here. I wanted to get away with this, but he hasnt done anything sexual with me yet, but it doesnt mean he wouldnt in future." she added as i nodded.

"By the way, do you know me?" i asked, just to be sure she was telling the truth.
"Yeah.. I mean.. who wouldn't know you? you're popular enough for me to know. You've been my inspiration for academics.." she said with admiration.

popular enough huh.. i hate that word.

"Let me save my number on your phone. Call me whenever he approaches, or does anything heinous. I hope i can help you. Currently, i have nothing else to do with your situation, i apologize for that." i said as she handed me her phone.

"I'm glad, atleast you're willing to help me. I knew i could trust you." she smiled as i typed my number.


why would you trust a stranger?

do you even know me? do you even know.. anything about me, besides my name?

i can have ulterior motives too.

i can take advantages of you as well.

i mean, you still do not know a single thing about me. yet you trust me.

thats hilarious, truly.

"Here. see you, i'm heading to class currently. I hope you dont face that situation in general." i said, handing her phone back. She smiled at me. I headed back to my class afterwards. I glanced at jaejin, who was as always, gossiping.

I never really had matters w him but he sure had known me. I kept my distance.

2 days later

No sign of her call, alright. Gladly i had tracked her location through her phone number, so that i had known where she was.

I gradually checked the location in the middle of reading a book, to my surprise, she was at the backyard of the uni. Weird, ppl barely went there. I guessed something finally happened then, huh.
I still waited for her call, closing the book and heading outside the uni, walking towards the backyard.

As expected, i got a call from her. But the call got cut in a second anyways. woah, bet he was literally forcing onto her. I walked in there and yes, something i didnt expect happened.

They appeared, along with the girl.

"Hey-a, i thought you were not that dumb." jaejin came forward and said. I glanced over the girl.

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