twenty three - i

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aryun's pov

Siwon had not come to school for a few days. She was never irregular, i eventually got worried. I even tried texting her but held myself back because maybe she would be annoyed or something. Wonsung also never really brought this topic of why she had not gone there for a few days. So i decided to ask him myself, since he would atleast know. Right then, i was at the school library, reading a history book. Out of the blue, wonsung took the book away from my hand and closed it. I turned to him immediately.


"Dont worry, you were at 167. You can read later," he said almost immediately and sat before me. His expression looked serious.

"Ah... Alright, i was almost gonna throw hands, anyways, what's up with you?" i asked, giving a light chuckle as he sighed.
"It's about siwon, you know.. I just got to know today why she hasnt been here for the past two days from the form teacher.. Tch, that brat always lies to me when it comes to herself," he scoffed and looked at me.

"I was also wondering to be honest.. But i didnt really text her to avoid annoying her.. Anyways, why?" i asked as he crossed his arms.

"She's sick, she has a high fever. I really wonder if she actually saw a doctor for her health cuz she really highkey thinks that smart people cannot catch a cold. Funny," he chuckled. "However.. I'm gonna pop up in her house today. Wanna go with me?" he smiled.

"She really sounds pretty careless about her health.. Maybe we should see her a doctor, dont you think?"

"Yeah but like we gotta see her first cuz we dont have any fucking idea about her current condition, oh God.." he sighed. I had never seen wonsung so frustrated before, he really cared about siwon.

"Yeah, im up for it, lets get some snacks before we go," i smiled and said as he agreed.


siwon's pov

i was lying on my bed, all curled up. I hoped to die soon or later, didnt matter anymore. I hated being sick. cold..

Only the sound of my cough was heard all over the silent house. I hugged a pillow and sneezed once again, breathing heavily. I felt very dizzy and all, my body felt heavy as if gravity had increased all of a sudden. The pressure increased on my body.

I eventually got up and went to get some water. I thought to eat something.. But i wasnt in a state to cook or anything. My hair looked messy, face looked pale, got eyebags even. I wonder what was aryun doing.. Or the others.. Maybe as always at college minding their businesses... As they should, yeah.

I got up and went back to my room, sitting by the edge of the bed. I got my guitar as it was under my bed. There was dust on it but not very much, wasnt like i hadnt used it in a while anyway.

I cleared my throat and started singing with a rusty voice, playing the guitar because singing made me feel better.

And also because.. I had a person whom i could sing for.

can you see me?

I'm waiting for the right time.

I can't read you,

But if you want, the pleasure's all mine.

Can you see me?

Using everything to hold back.

It was interrupted, i couldnt hold my cough. Oh God.. I wanted to be well very soon so that i could see aryun. Ive been ignoring their texts, i didnt want to be a bother to them. However, i suppose they knew by then because of the homeroom teacher.. well shit..

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