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Siwon's pov

The next day.. Wonsung came and greeted me as usual. Like nothing happened the previous day.

"Heya." he said as he went to his seat. He started doing physics as soon as he got there. I frowned at that and went to him. He glanced at me and sighed.

"Hey uh.. Sorry about yesterday. I was a bit dramatic. But you know what, i got this! I actually think i can improve in the next one.." he smiled and continued. He would usually stay mad at me for 3 days straight before actually being normal with me. The sudden change was insane. I wondered what changed his mood so suddenly.

"Hey siwon.. I wanna ask you something," he said suddenly, looking directly at me, stopping smiling.


"Well uh.. Um.. Maybe later, nevermind.." his face turned a bit red as he just continued studying. He acted flustered. This didn't look like him. I just stared at him for a while before walking back but this Aryun decided to bump on me again out of nowhere.

"Can you ever watch your way?" i asked, being annoyed. She didn't even care about what i said, instead she looked straight into my eyes before handing me a handmade bracelet. I looked at it for a while, it was really well made.

"Hey wonsung~ happy friendship day~ i made some bracelets yeah. Here is yours~ i'll give Minji one too later when she comes." she said cheerfully to wonsung. I was not her friend. No. This was not acceptable.

"Aw.. That's so cute of you, it's really well made! How did you make it?" he asked, putting it on immediately. Then he glanced at me.

"C'mon, put that on. She sees you as her friend." he insisted as i rolled my eyes and put the bracelet in my pocket. Then i walked away out of the class, heading straight to the library. Ah... As her friend? Pfft. As if. I didn't know why a sudden pain was there in my chest. My only friend was wonsung. Aryun couldn't just come into my life like that. I did not accept her as my friend.. I would never do that. Doing that would hurt me inside. I didn't know why.

I walked into the library. I took a book and sat not far away from some dudes of my class. I focused on reading but Aryun didn't leave my mind. Fuck it. I took her bracelet out and had a good look at it. It was so beautifully made. She had known pretty good bead works. Ah well... What should i do with it?

"Do you know that new girl Aryun?" "it's been weeks since she came anyway, she got pretty close with Wonsung-ah." "she must like wonsung! That dude is finally getting some bitches"

I overheard the boys.

"Library is not a place to gossip about others." i said, looking directly at my book. They immediately became silent again.
I thought about their gossips. Was that actually true? Were they a thing? No wonder why they were spending so much time together.. That kinda hurt too. I didn't know why, my heart felt like it was coming out of my throat. I stayed there silent, not reading any further of the book. I hated this feeling, whenever i was so invested in my thoughts that i couldn't read books in the library. I hope it wasnt what i think it was.

After sometime, i went back to class only to see those two studying physics together. I just simply walked to them, gave the bracelet back to her.

"I'm not your friend." saying that, i walked back to my seat. I was too tired of them to talk.

Aryun's pov

Did she not.. Like the bracelet? Was she not a bracelet person..? Probably not..

"Ah.. Why would she return it like that?" Wonsung said and sighed. "Maybe she doesnt like bracelets?"

"It's nothing like that, she often wears them. There's some other reason behind it. Whatever it is.. I'm gonna get to her later." he said as he glanced at her.

"Hey uh.. I want to ask something about her again hahah" i asked him as he turned to me, indicating me to go ahead.
"I honestly don't think she's single.. Is she?" i asked, i was just curious. Wonsung just chuckled.

"She is single. Why are you asking that? She was never interested in boys, she doesn't look the type to fall for them honestly.. Its rather like.. People would fall for her instead. I mean she's kinda cool, right?" he said as i nodded.
"Yea.. I won't deny that she is. But like who would fall for a girl like her anyway? With this bitchy attitude.. Even though she had saved me before, who behaves like this?" i replied, sighing. He nodded a bit, looking at Siwon.

"Yea.. That was kinda rude of her to give your bracelet back y'know.. She doesnt think of you as her friend i guess lol. No need to worry about that though, i bet people better than her will be good friends with you. It's not like i'm telling that she's bad. It's just.. She's kinda different with you." he said, kinda hesitating.
"What different? Colder with me yea.. Whatever." i replied.

"Not like that."


"In a positive way, i suppose. Wait for it." he winked at me, leaving me confused.

After that encounter, the classes started. I noticed something weird about wonsung. He seemed more cheerful and active in studies that day. Didn't know why but i was glad to see him like that.

On the other hand, siwon was all ignoring me the whole day. It was like, both of them were weird. I couldn't understand what was going on. I didn't want to ask them anyway.

After the classes, Minji and her friends came to me. She was wearing my bracelet which made me happy. "Heya! They were saying something about you. I heard from the boys about the truth~" she chuckled. I was left confused.

"Huh? What truth?" i asked.

"Aw don't be so shy about it, we know that you're dating wonsung. You two make a really cute couple! Dont you?" i widened my eyes at that. Because that was not true at all.

"There must be some misunderstanding.. I'm not dating him, Minji. I Don't like him that way." i smiled and declared. That seemed quite weird, i could never imagine wonsung to be my boyfriend.

"Are you sure? Everyone is talking about you guys-"

"Move out of my way." Siwon suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of there. We walked away as everyone was in confusion about why she took me like that.

"Hey.. What's wrong?" i asked her as she kept walking with me. I knew i wasn't gonna get answered, so i just walked along with her which was quite absurd.
She suddenly let go of my hand and looked at me.

"What's wrong? Whats wrong with me or people?" she asked.
"Yall in general.. People asking me about wonsung.. And you're just being you here. What's wrong about you all?" i asked, in a calm voice. But she didn't look calm at all.

"Are you sure.. You aren't dating him?" she asked, ignoring my question. I sighed and nodded. "Yes. I'm sure. I'm not dating him. He's just my friend, happy? Ah.. Yall are so stressful. Why would he date me?!"

She looked kind of relieved. It seemed like she also believed in this bullshit.
"Fine. I trust you." she said as she left me in there. I just looked at her walking away..  Wondering what was even going on.

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