Dean and Cas

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Hey here's this sorry if it sucks.

And hey fandom.


One day in the bunker Dean, Cas, and Sam were watching a movie... well Cas and Sam were. Dean on the other hand was struggling with his sexual orientation. Like usual.

I'm not gay. He thought.

Yes you are. The voices replied.


Yes we can.


No you don't. You use women to escape.

Shut up.


I don't love Cas.

Yes you do. Stop trying to deny it.

I don't.

You know you do.

Okay maybe.

You do.


Yes what?

"I LOVE CAS!!" Dean blurted out. He quickly covered his mouth with his hands, eyes filled with horror at what he just said out loud.

He waited for Cas to reject him. Cas just stared at him, wide eyed. In shock.

Sam looked like his favorite show had just come on.

"Oh my God Cas, I'm sorry. I just-" Dean started all panicky.

"Do you really?" Cas cut him off.

"I... Uh..."

"Do you really love me? Or is this another joke?" Cas demanded.

"I love you Cas." Dean said quietly, looking down with tears in his eyes which he didn't let fall.

What he didn't expect was for Cas to push him back on the couch, straddle him, and kiss him with as much passion as he could.

Sam looked very amoosed.

Cas pulled away. "I love you too Dean."

Dean was speechless so he just pulled Cas' lips to his own again. Actions speak louder than words.

When they broke apart for air Cas just grabbed Dean's shirt and pulled him towards the bedroom saying "I'll show you what else the pizza man taught me."

Sam just sat there looking absolutely shocked. And then he realized what just happened.

"OH MY GOD!!!!! DESTIEL IS CANNON!!!!!! DESTIEL IS CANNON!!!!! OH MY GOD MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!!!!!!!" He squealed, a manly squeal of course.

And he ran to his laptop making some lovely squawking noises.


"The End." Gabriel finished. "And that kids is how your uncles came together. And how your father became a fan... man."

"Can you tell us how you and Daddy came together?" little Bobby asked.

"Not until you're way older son." Sam replied, winking at Gabe.

"Okay now you kids go to bed. We're going to Uncle Cas and Uncle Dean's tomorrow you hear me?"

"Yes dad." Mary replied.

"Night kids, sweet dreams."

But they were already asleep.

And at Dean and Cas' house they too were saying goodnight to their children Ellen and Jo.

Dean just put his arms around Cas' waist.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too."


I know it was bad the second chapter will be better I promise. This just kinda... happened.

It's better then what I've written before.

And hey. I'm the author. I will be writing these chapters so hey.

WHAT SHOULD I CALL YOU PEOPLE?! Cassbutts? Squirrels? Meese? (Totally the plurrel of moose. I'm Canadian I know what I'm doing ;P) Potatoes? Idk man.

The Queen™


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