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Hey Cassbutts so like I love cats but I'm really allergic but here's a fluff with a cat. It's human Cas btw.


One morning in the bunker Cas was eating some Trix, feeling rebellious because he knew Trix were for kids, when he heard a small "mew".

He looked around for where the meowing was coming from. After about an hour of searching he came to the conclusion that it was not in the bunker.

So he opened the door and there was a tiny little white kitten with one green and one blue eye.

Cas picked her up. "Hello. What are you doing here?" He asked. After he got no reply he remembered that cats don't speak.

"I will call you... Luna. It means moon." he told the little kitten, holding it to his chest. It mewed in reply.

Cas sat down on the couch and decided he would watch some television.

The kitten curled up on his chest and fell asleep, soon after Cas fell asleep too.

A couple hours later Dean and Sam got back from the hunt they had been on.

"Cas we're back. Cas?" Dean called.

"Shh." Sam whispered, pointing to the fallen angel asleep on the couch with the little kitten.

"Oh don't tell me he got a cat. We were gone what... three days?" Dean groaned. (A/N Like he would be doing so much in the future.)

At the sudden commotion Luna awoke. The kitten yawned and jumped off of Cas' chest, making it's way towards Dean.

"Sam it's coming near me what do I do?! Sam help! Sam!" Dean started panicking. Dean always said that he was "allergic" to cats but really he was terrified of them.

He jumped onto the nearest chair.

Sam was trying, and failing, to hold back his laughter.

Cas suddenly woke up. He stretched and sat up to see Dean standing on a chair making a sort of... manly squealing noise? as the cat batted at him, and Sam rolling around on the ground laughing at him.

Noticing that he was awake Dean yelled to Cas. "GET THE CAT!! GET THE CAT!!" Which Cas did immediately.


After a long discussion they decided that Luna could stay, much to Dean's disapproval.

He avoided the kitten like she was the plague for weeks.

But one day, Dean was in the laundry room, doing laundry, (A/N well someone has to.) when Luna walked in, and sat right in the middle of the doorway, mewing at Dean.

"What do you want you little demon?" He growled, backing into a corner.

The kitten just walked towards him. Dean walked backwards, tripping over the laundry and landing on his back with a loud noise.

The kitten ran over, Dean's heart was racing... until he felt a soft furry face rubbing against his own and he felt comforted.

"Hmm. Maybe you aren't a little monster." Dean mumbled as the kitten started purring.


After the laundry room incident, Dean loved the kitten. You could see him looking for a case with the kitten sitting on his lap, or he would be lying down on the couch with her on his chest.

And secretly, Cas found it so attractive. Cas and Dean were completely in love but neither would admit it.

No matter how obvious it was, neither could seem to get the hint.

The overly long eye contact, the way they looked at each other, and neither of them thought the other felt the same way.

It was really annoying for Sam.

Dean was sitting down on the couch with the kitten, watching some crappy game show when Cas sat down beside him.

"You've taken a liking to Luna I see." Cas said, looking at Dean.

"Yeah I guess she isn't so bad." Dean replied, smiling at the little white ball. "You're kinda like a kitten Cas."

"In what way?" Cas questioned with a tilt of the head.

"Well, you're always sleepy, you are very quiet when you walk, your hair is always sticking up all over the place like a cats fur, you're adorable, you-"

"I'm adorable?" Cas interrupted.

"Oh shit um... not like-" Dean started panicking.

"Because I think you're adorable Dean." Cas cut him off, his voice had just gotten very deep as he turned to Dean.

"I-I Cas?" Dean was extremely caught off guard by the deep voice.

"Yes Dean?" Cas purred.

He said the only thing that ran through his mind.

"I think I love you." Dean whispered.

"I think I love you too." Cas replied before leaning down and connecting their lips.

Electricity shot through each man, filling them with fire and passion. The kiss was gentle yet filled with love and lust.

"Mew." a little head poked up between their chests.

They laughed.

"I guess this cat was good for something after all." Dean smiled.

So I still suck at this but hey. I tried



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The Queen™


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