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It's some sort of cute Destiel thingy my Cassbutts.

Oh and so I joined the Phandom. So like I'm writing Phan one shots soon. And yeah. Also never read the chair fic, the milk fic, the hamster hat fic, the kittens and steamrollers fic, or the skin fic, or the tentacle fic.

I am scarred for life.

Seeing as the last chapter was... Not fluffy. Here's fluff.

<(•\/•)> here is creepy bird.






"Fineeeee I'm coming."

Dean and Cas were in the bunker. Dean had been drinking beer and looking for a new hunt while Cas had been looking around the bunker.

Sam was out getting rabbit food.

"Dean come on!! Come see what I've found!!" Cas whined, pulling Dean down the hall.

Dean felt butterflies at the physical contact. He tried to push away his feelings. But he was hopelessly in love with Cas.

"Come onnnnn Dean. You're so slow." Cas groaned impatiently.

"Don't rush me woman." Dean mumbled.

"I have no gender Dean. But I am in a male vessel. So why do you call me a woman?" Cas asked, head tilted.

"It's a say- never mind." Dean sighed.

"Oh. Okay." Cas looked a little disappointed. He loved when Dean explained things. It made everything clear.

And Cas loved the sound of Dean's voice. And the way Dean's lips moved when he spoke. And Dean himself.

But Cas didn't know how to tell Dean about his feelings... Because Cas didn't understand them himself. He didn't know why Dean made him so happy.

He didn't know why he felt the urge to kiss Dean, or why his stomach did a flippy-over thing when he saw Dean.

But Cas did know that Dean didn't like men. And that Dean was more of a one-night-stand kind of guy.

Dean on the other hand, was just too stubborn to admit his feelings. He was also very scared of rejection.

"Where are we going Cas?" Dean asked his little trench-coated baby.

"Just follow me." Cas grinned. Dean smiled at the excitement on his face.

Cas stopped outside of a door Dean hadn't noticed before.

"Ready?" Cas asked cheerfully.

Dean nodded and chuckled quietly to himself.

Cas pushed open the double doors to reveal... A ball room?

"Isn't it great?!" Cas exclaimed running to the corner of the room to a bookshelf.

On closer inspection, Dean realized that the bookshelf contained records. A lot of records. All in alphabetical order.

He looked around an sure enough there was a record player in the window across the room.

"Ooh let's put this one on!" Cas squealed, pulling out some sort of classical music record.

Cas ran over and put the record on the player. One of Mozart's compositions started to play.

"I remember when Mozart composed this. It took him so long. But he eventually..." Cas rambled on about how Mozart finished the piece but Dean wasn't listening.

He was too busy realizing how beautiful Cas actually was.

He had the most perfect lips, they looked so soft and inviting.

His eyes were an incredible blue that reminded Dean of the sky on a clear day.

His hair was messed up so sexily and Dean wanted nothing more then to run his hands through it while they kissed.

"Hey Cas?" Dean asked.

"Yes Dean?" Cas replied, looking into the bright green eyes he loved.

Dean smiled softly and held out his hand. "May I have this dance?" He asked shyly. Very out of character for Dean.

"You may." Cas replied just as shyly, placing his hand in Dean's.

Dean clasped one of Cas' hand in his own and put the other on his waist, while Cas' was on his shoulder.

They spun and laughed, the hunter and the fallen angel. They were quite fluid surprisingly. Soon they were dancing like they had danced their entire lives.

Then "Moonlight Sonata" came on. (A/N I'm pretty sure that's what it's called. It's the slow one that's like one, two, three, one, two, three.)

They slowed down to a slow waltz. It was elegant and filled with love.

They danced so gracefully that if you had been there you would've thought they were professionals.

Cas finally knew what the emotion he had been feeling was.

And Dean decided he wouldn't hide his feelings any longer.

Somewhere in the song they ended up in each other's arms. And they stayed like that as another slow song came on.


"Yeah Dean?"

"I want to tell you that I love you. I've loved from "I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition." And I will always love you."

"I love you too Dean. And I'll always love you too. I'll follow you to heaven and hell. Literally and figuratively."

Cas looked up and they locked eyes.

Their gaze only to be broken when Cas flickered his eyes down to Dean's lips and back.

Dean smiled and leaned down slowly, connecting their lips at last.

The kiss was not rough or lustful, but soft, sweet, and loving.

Their lips moved together like puzzle pieces.

And they finally had no worries.

They no longer felt guilty.

They were happy.

The Hunter and his Fallen Angel.

So I wrote this.

And I don't hate how it turned out.

Anyone want smuht?


The Queen™


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