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Hola people so this is a story that I have a couple people in along with myself because I am a loser.





And I'm Emma hey.

Also I'm really proud of how this went.

(My POV)

It was a fabulous day. I was having a sleepover with my awesome friends Lily and Frances.

I invited them over, we were gonna watch Supernatural, Doctor Who, Sherlock, and Noragami.

We had been watching Supernatural, I had been fiddling with the lining of this old chair when it broke open and these random candles fell out, they looked like birthday candles.

Being the strange person that I am, I quietly got up and got some giant marshmallows. I read the back of the box.

It said they were "magic" and that whatever you wished for would come true. I started singing Cinderella after that but I stuck four candles in four marshmallows and brought them out with a lighter.

"Hey guys. I found some magic candles." I told Lily and Frances. "Did you drug them? Will we get high?" Lily asked suspiciously.

"Not this time." I replied with a creepy smile. (I is strange just... yeah.)

"I also brought a test one. What should we wish for?" I asked them.

"Destiel?" Frances suggested. We all agreed.

I lit the candle. "One. Two. Three." We all blew it out together while wishing for Destiel.

Suddenly there was a puff of green-blue smoke and there stood Dean and Cas. They looked very confused.

"Hand me a marshmallow." Frances said.

I lit the other three and we all blew them out. Beside Frances was a bright blue puff of smoke and there appeared Yato from Noragami. He didn't look that confused.

Beside me was a red-orange puff of smoke and Charlie appeared. She saw Dean and Cas and just kinda shrugged, she then looked around and said "'Sup bitches."

The puff of smoke beside Lily seemed to have an aneurism and then the tenth Doctor appeared. He looked very confused but then just seemed to realize he'd been in more confusing situations.

It was very quiet for a couple minutes before Lily spoke. "I think the candles worked." She said.

"You guys can all take a seat if you want... Unless you'd rather stand." I said.

Everyone sat down.

"Let's do that thing where we all introduce ourselves." I suggested. "I'm Emma, I am a lesbian who sits at home and watches shows."

"I'm Lily, I like Harry Potter."

"I'm Frances and I really like Supernatural." At that Dean, Cas, and Charlie all exchanged glances.

"I'm Yato, I'm a God."

"I'm The Doctor. I have a box called the TARDIS that travels through space and time."

"I'm Dean, I have a 67 Chevy Impala."

"I'm Castiel. I'm a multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent."

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