Chapter 3: Talent Show

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Back inside class, Brady was no longer sitting next to Carson and now he sat on Jackson's right. Everyone had their math workbooks out and the teacher decided to ask the class some easy multiplication problems.

Teacher: Class, what is 2 times 6?

Everyone: 12!

Teacher: What about 2 times 7?

Everyone: 14!

Teacher: Impressive! Pretty soon you can do anything math. Like 15 times 283.

Brady: He surprised everyone and said. It's 4,245...

Teacher: Surprised and said, What was that, Brady?

Brady: I think 15 times 283 is 4,245.

Teacher: She decided to use a calculator herself and she got the same exact answer Brady said.

Teacher: Omg Brady you're right...I didn't know you could multiply big numbers.

Jackson: You're a genius...I don't see how you do it.

Brady: He said in a low voice. That's because I've been practicing...

Carson: On the inside. There's no way he can do that on the back of his head...

Carson: On the inside. I never see him practice...

Teacher: You're really smart, Brady. You have the potential to do good in any subject.

Brady came home quite happy that afternoon and he hugged his mom when he first got back with his dad.

Brady: I missed you, mom.

Brady: He also hugged Brennan. I missed you too, Brennan.

Christa: I'm so lucky to have both you and Brennan.

Christa: I can't wait till Brennan grows up with you, Brady.

Brady: Me too. I'm a bit sleepy...I should take a nap.

Christa and Hugo watched over Brady while he slept in his room and they talked quietly to each other.

Christa: Isn't Brady so cute when he sleeps? He's such a good kid.

Hugo: You're right...He's very adorable. I feel closer to him everyday.

Christa: I'm just sad he gets bullied by kids in school...Do you think it's because of you know who?

Hugo: That's exactly how I feel too...I felt so stupid when I convinced you to abort him years ago.

Christa: It's alright, my dear. I didn't know if I could keep him at the time either.

Christa: He's nothing like Stefan. He's innocent because we raised him instead.

Hugo: That bastard dad of his should just rot in jail and never be released.

Hugo: We'll tell Brady the truth one day about his life...

2 months later, Brady was dressed for a Christmas talent show that was taking place in the theater room in school. He had rehearsed enough and couldn't wait to perform on stage.

Brady: Guys, I'm a little nervous to be singing solo for a while.

Brady: The music teacher assigned me to play Axel's role for a Christmas song.

Hugo: You'll be just fine. You have a beautiful voice when you sing.

Christa: Yeah, you've rehearsed enough. You'll be just fine on stage.

Brady: You'll be there for me in the show right?

Brady: One kid got mad I got the role instead of him, but I'll do my best.

Christa: We'll be there, darling. Don't worry about that other kid...

At the talent show, Brady was standing on stage with the other kid actors until it was finally time for him to carry out his role as Axel in the "I Need Some Wheels" song.

Music teacher: We will now be performing a new song.

Teacher: Axel will be played by Brady Rockefeller.

Teacher: Axel's little sister will be played by Vicky Hailstorm.

Teacher: Axel's parents will be played by Armen Stevens and Lindsey Bucket.

Teacher: Let's give a round of applause for them!

Brady started to sing when it was his turn and the other kids performed as well. Inside prison, Stefan and his friends were watching Brady sing on TV.

Kade: A bunch of stupid kids singing useless Christmas songs.

Roger: Especially the kid who plays the main character. His singing is so horrible.

Stefan: I don't understand why we are watching this. It's for kids, not for prisoners like us.

However, he tried to observe Brady a bit better and felt that something about his was very familiar.

Stefan: Guys...take a better look at this kid. He had some similarities between Christa and me...

Kade: Oh my god...You're right, Stefan he does.

Roger: Could this kid possibly be your biological son?

Stefan: I think so too. I can't believe my eyes...He sings like me.

Kade: Go little kid! Sing for your dad...Your real dad!

Stefan: He really is my son! He looks so much like me and the light of my life.

Roger: Wait till he grows up to be a gentleman like you, Stefan.

Stefan: I want to hear that angelic name and voice of my son. I don't care about the other kids.

When the performance was over, the music teacher started to speak on TV.

Music teacher: Congratulations to our kid actors of this Christmas song.

Music teacher: Especially Brady Rockefeller! The star of this show.

Kade: Did I hear your son's last name being Rockefeller? His last name should be the same as yours, Stefan.

Stefan: I'm sure there has to be a mistake. This is something only commoners would do.

Stefan: After a while of contemplating, he finally put on a wicked smile and said. My friends, I think I found a way to reach out to my son.

Stefan: Just repeat after me.

They held their hands together in a circle and said some strange voodoo words. They repeated the words many times until they slowly disappeared out of sight. 

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