Abomination Of A Look

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"Darius! Does this look good?" Hunter asked, motioning to what Darius thought was an atrocity. "Hunter, why are you asking me?" "Because I have no one else to talk to..." Hunter muttered. Darius literally couldn't raise his voice anymore, after all that poor boy had been through. His tone softened. "No, I mean why are you asking me?" "Oh, well Willow and I were going to pick flowers, and I just wanted to know what you thought of my outfit..." "IT'S HIDEOUS!" Darius thought. "It... It could use some work." Darius said. "Here, I'll help you." 45 minutes later, they were done, though Hunter was running late. "PERFECTION." Darius said as Hunter looked at the mirror. "Heh, thanks Darius." Hunter said. "Anytime, Hunter. Though, preferably not at ANYtime, because I have a LOT of me time in 20 minutes. Now get out there, and show her what you're made of!" "Yeah, I'll show her just how good I am at picking flowers!" Hunter said, with a determined smile on his face. He ran towards the door. "Thanks, Da-Darius..." Hunter said, as he closed the door. "PLEASE TELL ME HE DIDN'T CATCH THAT!" Hunter thought. Darius caught Hunter's correction. He started to tear up, and one drop even came out. Then he realized it was going to ruin his casual suit, so he stopped at once. "Anytime Hunter. Anytime."

While Willow couldn't blame Hunter for being late, (as she just KNEW it had something to do with his appearance) she would have preferred if he was on time. But, she always cut him slack. After all, not everyone is a clone of a previous person that was repeatedly murdered by a psychotic, genocidal witch-hunter. She shuddered at the thought. Luckily, the warm breeze kept her from getting too cold. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Hunter running in the distance. "Willow! Sorry I'm late, I just got caught up in-" "Shh." She whispered into his ear as she hugged him gently. "It's ok. Besides, If you were here earlier, I might not have found this big, lovely patch of forget-me-nots!" Hunter looked as Willow moved a bush to the side, revealing quite a large patch of forget-me-nots. It was at least 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. It was beautiful! "Willow..." Hunter couldn't finish his sentence because of how dazzling they were. He teared up. "Well, these flowers aren't gonna pick themselves!" Willow said, her infectiously joyous smile beamed at Hunter. "Y-yeah, sure."

Darius relaxed on his overly and unnecessarily large bed. He scrolled through some penstagram posts, before coming to a picture of, ugh, ALADOR and an abomination. "Hack." Darius said out loud, calmly. He disliked the post, and moved on. Suddenly, a post of Hunter and Willow appeared. Hunter was smiling and blushing awkwardly, while Willow was smiling at the camera. "Just got done picking flowers with RULERZREACHF4N ! Turns out, he now loves forget-me-nots!" The post read. Darius teared up. "That's my boy." He said between sniffles. Eventually, he started bawling. His roommate came sniffing into the room, from all the noise. Eberwolf noticed the penstagram post floating. He read it, then barked, asking if he was ok. "Be quiet, mut!" Darius managed to get through the tears. "I'm having a moment here!" Eberwolf left, snickering to himself, though he was secretly happy that the neat-freak was happy crying.

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